NYSpeed before and after?

yea i def need a swift kick in the ass to get back to the gym on a regular routine…def would be helpful hearing from others how its working for them…i dont need to lose any weight, just quit smoking and get my lungs back n just feel better all around…

Dont ask for pics or i will be forced to start whoring myself in a speedo and you guys will be upset.

so with pleasure im posting my measurements (as taken by my floor trainer) at my join date at the gym and now my 8 week difference.
To start
Based off my height of 5’11


Stat Date , Retest date
2/25 , 4/10
Weight 227lbs , 229lbs
Chest 42.5 in , 41in
Arm relaxed R- 13, l- 13 , r-13.5, l- 13.5
Arm Flexed R- 14.5, l- 14 , R- 15, l- 15
Waist 41 , 40
Abs (navel) 41.5 , 41.5
Hips 43 , 43
thigh r- 20, l-20 , r- 21, l- 21
calf R/L -16 , R/L- 16

Body fat %
Thigh 30mm , 22mm
Tricep 19mm , 14mm
Abs 48mm , 40mm
Suprailium 46mm , 37mm
^ (love handles)
BMI total 35.75% , 24.1%
Body Fat Weight 81.15lbs , 55.2lbs
Lean Body mass 145.85 lbs , 173.8

I lost 36lbs of fat which through working out was converted into lean body mass (aka muscle) Not bad for 8 weeks, my biggest shock came when i got my inital BMI, and my after being about 11% less then when i started. Im still aiming for 200lbs overall but ive got a while to hit my goal and when i get there ill more then likely set a new goal. Ill post my new measurements in 8 wks

Nice progress keep up the work and dedication!

Bump anyone still making an effort at weight loss?

Yeah so I’m still fat. Although I’ve been doing Matt Furey’s “Royal Court” a lot lately and am quickly feeling results. But my body is still ready to tag a buck ninety any time I stop paying attention for long. Hey at least I’m getting stronger.

But yeah I’m still fat.

EDIT: Royal Court, since probably nobody here has heard of Matt Furey’s Combat Conditioning, is as many hindu squats as you can do, as many hindu pushups as you can do, and a back bridge with your nose to the floor for as long as you can hold it. I’ve quickly gone from 40 squats to 100, and 10 pushups to 17. Ultimate goal: 500 squats, 100 pushups, 3 minutes of back bridge with no arms for support. Within 6 months.

220 to 202 in 5 months :slight_smile:

i keep telling myself i’ll start running again…but i don’t.

and as far as lifting, i’ll do it for like a week…then not have time one day…and the next day completely forget that i was into it 2 days earlier…and stop for a month…

i have no idea where to get constant motivation lol

ive been crazy working out lately and completely revamped my diet. Feels great to be honest. It was tough, but it just became habit at first. my goal is to see what i can drop by dec.

Bump for a new season of “biggest loser” and A remeasure that didnt change (for the good) +7lbs.

Anyone in the BAC Crew wanna workout this week?

Planet Fitness crew here

I’m shooting to put on at least 10 lbs by December. I have mornings open now so that will be my run and workout time.

I just signed up yesterday. I’ll be at the downtown location for my workouts.

As stupid expensive as gyms are… I’m hoping a 2 year contract will encourage me not to quit. Otherwise I’ll just be pissing money away.

soooo like flaccid pics and then boner pics…?

I’d be in, i’d like to lose the twenty i gained since my big weight loss 2 years ago. but i wouldnt post pictures…ever…you boys would annihilate me


Does anyone want to make this some kind of contest? say 20 bucks each winner take all? Drexial pm me if you want to work out sometime i typically goto Eastern hills or S towns.


I went from 180 to 195 this summer and my pants actually got looser lol. muscle > fat wooot.

I have the Matt Furey books and some DVD’s. I’m on the road a lot and the excercises in his books are great for working out in a hotel room when you don’t have time to hit the fitness center.

The squats are amazing for your legs.

I’ve been 130# for as long as I remember. I wish I could be around 145-150.

So b&a pics of me would be worthless.