NYSpeed Mission Statment

You know, sure primarily I like automotive stuff, motorsports some tech. Of course this is a local forum, so yeah, obviously there is off-topic threads, local meets, inside jokes, whatever. Yadda, yadda. There are some trolls, some idiots, and some people with intellegent posts. But really, the only bad threads are the posts about posts that are threads about the forum that just posts for the sake of threads to talk about other posts. Think about it.

:word: times one billion

:tup: onyx

i dont know about anyone else, BUT, i come here because i like cars. I feel that when i chat on the board, i am talking to mostly people who are into cars and other technical activities/hobbies/responsilities. I wish that there were more technical posts on this forum because thats wat i am more into and thats wat i am more eager to learn about. I think that we should TRY to keep posts down to mostly automotive subjects. I beleive that if a MODERATOR(people who run this site, and most importantly, MAKE THE FINAL DECISIONS) does not think that a particular thread belongs on their site, then they can delete or lock it or whatever they feel is necessary. I do beleive that off topic is out of control and there is a lot of useless bullshit there. Someone else on here has an entire forum for off topic shit and i know that dopeshiznit(UBNF, or whatever) is almost all off-topic shit, if u wanna chat about that stuff, go there!! MODS, i think u should do whatever needs to be done to keep this forumn on topic. I think that the topic of this message board is automotive and that it should stay that way. Thanks for letting me post my opinions!!

In all honesty, I go to my car specific forum if I really need some tech info, or have some questions about my car. I come here for shits and giggles, meets, and to see who is beating who, building what. For the years I been on Barf and now here, I cant really remember when I read an actual thread that was all tech with out a bunch of BS.

I don’t really post very much, mostly because I am a smart ass and really dont have anything good to say that wouldn’t start drama/trouble. The problem is people don’t have self control at times and blurb out anything they want, no matter what the outcome would be. I try to not say anything on the internet that I wouldn’t say in real life in front of the same people that are going to read it here The problem people do jsut the opposite. Say everything on here that they wouldn’t say in person.

so i’m confused? am i part of the new guard?

Just for the record, I use Right Guard.

I agree with Josh, there should be some purpose that clearly defines the direction of the site.

Keep in mind, the founder himself (Howie / Daddie) posts in Off-Topic a lot (from what I’ve seen). If anything, I’d say Howie is a single-source cross-section of the members of the site. He drunken posts, he posts technical info, he posts random videos found around the internet, and he posts about his new USB missile launcher.

If everyone was more like Howie, the whole site would be just fine.

you’re an offender newman…

Mission Statement: It’s my duty, to please that booty

^^ I couldn’t agree more.


seriously… if anyone want’s tech info THAT badly, they can go to a car specific forum… this forum direction crap is lame… a few people acting like idiots in off topic isn’t going to turn hardocre techies from posting in the tech section on the board…

all these fucking people crying about the site need to get some balls or something… If you decrease funny drama in OT, you eventually lose the people that post some tech and some OT… i still don’t know who you are trying to impress by having a nicely run tech based forum with 4 members who occaisionally post…

I agree with a lot of what you said, Josh. I rememeber when I started coming around in '02. Lot’s of cool people (Cyanide, Evolve, BeautyofAWD, Subjd40, Onyx, Redrum, Neurokinetic, Klemann, RX3, MaximaSE96/98, etc.), and lot’s of good meets (BTC, Starbucks, MT…). Things certainly are not like they were…which is why I’ve been to probably only 3 meets (and 2 of them were in Canada!) in the last year or so.

But it’s important to remember…those people you meet at the meets…if they become your friends, then that’s something positive to take from it all. I understand that really has nothing to do with this site (or the other site), but let’s be honest, it’s just a site. It’s nice to have, a good break from school/work, good place for a laugh…what have you…The people I’ve met THROUGH these sites is what I really appreciate. Most of the people I mentioned I still talk to on a very regular basis. We still go to the occasional meets, hang out, eat, do the car thing…

To re-iterate, I’m not arguing Josh’s point, I’m agreeing very much for the most part. I just take some solace in the fact that, while the sites/meets are not what they once were, I still met a lot of cool people through them.


The real problem lies when OT starts to spill over to other threads…


we have a few members that dont post anymore because of the retarded drama.

i just want you to know that i am conpletely in favor of heavy moderation in all forums OTHER than OT. I am guilty, and if i need to shut up, then i need to be told to shut-up…

I agree with Newman. If I want GTO or F-Body info, I’ll go to the sites that specifically deal with that stuff. This is a general car forum. Most people are local and drive cars that make really high pitched sounds. lol I am a domestic thug and will go be with my trailer trash cousins at their sites for tech info.

I rarely post anything technical. I spend my days sifting through OT and making SkunkApe’s online life miserable. lol

who? and they don’t post because of BS in tech threads, or because of BS strictly in OT

BS needs to stay in OT, bottom line.

Well as an O.G. from the other site, and coming here when this started, I must say I agree. I post when I really feel the need to, when I need to buy something, if I have a technical question, and the occasional OT post. I see many people who just post to post, and post the studpidest shit, while I notice sometimes someone’s technical question goes overlooked. I prefer to ask technical questions locally, due to the fact that there have been member who have come to my house to help diagnose a problem, although most my research is done on an Integra forum. I def agree there is waaay too much OT, and not enough car talk. If someone wants a lot of OT, they should start a local OT forum.