NYSpeed official Oblivion thread *mods plz sticky*

How do you increase your fame?

LOL I did the same thing too! I kind of had a feeling it would do the boot thing if I killed the pet rat, so I quick saved right before as well. I decided to fight the sithis thing for the hell of it… that guy was annoying to kill ~_~

I’m pretty sure just by closing oblivion gates and such (doing quests) increases your fame.

atleast, once you close a few… you’ll be having people welcome you at certin inn’s, as well as secret mythic dawn agents randomly attacking you :stuck_out_tongue:

anyone beat it yet? I was kind of disappointed in the ending… it was cool, but not what I was expecting.

I do dig the statue they put up in your honor and the armor you get after though :tup:

a heads up for the TES people… do you want HDR lighting without having a highend SM 3.0 card?

you use this, turn off BLOOM… this is a shader that someone created for the game… it adds the effect POST render so it effects the HUD a little, but WELL WORTH it IMO.

and because your not using bloom… you’ll get a decent performance boost (and it’ll look better).

oh, you can adjust how bright it is, and how long your eyes take to adjust to lighting changes and a bunch of other stuff. READ THE README FILE THAT COMES WITH IT… it’ll help ya set it up the way you want it.

in the HDRshader.fx file, I suggest using the superbright bloom settings. When I first installed it, the effect was a little too subtle… I find the more extreme one looks the best. Deffinitly adds alot more atmosphere to the game :slight_smile: :tup: makes seeing dark areas easier and vice versa (aka if you were in a dark area for a while, and went into a bright area it will blind you for a few seconds until it adjusts… same with being in a bright area and going into a cave… it’ll be real dark for a few seconds until it adjusts) lol

before with bloom lighting

with this HDR shader

hard to tell from images… dont get a feel for the effect as you do in game, but whatever :stuck_out_tongue:


edit: new version out, improved look and performance

lol does anyone play this anymore?

I got about a couple hours from beating the game and got distracted by another game(Suikoden V)

i beat it about a month ago… done with it now… i’ll prob play though it again though cuz i have a decent system now :slight_smile:

I was messing around with it… on the hardest level… and its FUKCING HARD

just picked this back up… forgot how fun it is :smiley:

ok im lazy… what is this?? looks interesting

i think its World of Warcraft shit

not even close to WoW :stuck_out_tongue:

Best single player RPG series ever. So rich and detailed it’s disgusting… very fun too (if your into that sort of thing). HUGE map/world

Dangerfall and Morrowind were the 2 main prequils

pssh no online, no care :stuck_out_tongue:

lol steve

sorry i am not a huge nerd…



stop by today if you want chris… I’ll show ya a real RPG :smiley:

haaaaaa…but i think ill pass on that one Boss

lol I meant skurge

Noice… just got a 7800GS

HDR lighting, high textures and distant landscapes FTMFW :tup:
