NYSpeed Track Day #1 - Friday June 15th, 2007

I found out that the 9x to 03 C5 Vette pads fit perfectly in my calipers, so that opens up a whole new world of options when it comes to pads.

PS… at no point was I trying to say any driving style was going to work well with my stock pads. And I realize the HPS’s aren’t real track pads either, but I needed some kind of pad so I could drive to work on Monday, and the HPS’s seemed like a much better idea than the shitty Autozone duralasts.

I’m still having trouble believing braking harder for a shorter period of time is easier on brakes, based both on my understanding of physics and my experience at TMP in the Fiero and Dunnville in the GTO. When braking harder later I was losing my brakes. When braking lighter but earlier, I was having no issue with 20 minute sessions. :shrug: Maybe I was trading off less heat for more wear, which I could understand.

Regardless, before I hit another track day there will be at minimum some real track pads, and better fluid.