NYSpeed Track Day

Now you know me. My name is Zong. You’ll find that everyone will be very easy to approach and will be more than happy to offer you help (except for that redheaded timing truck guy named Jim, he’ll probably bite your head off :wink: )


Register there. You’ll need a username and password. Register under Novice AS, unless you are running a AP map that +'s your boost, then you are in Novice Street Mod.

There is an event this Sunday at Erie Community College North campus. If you can race Sunday, I’d recommend showing up by 8:15. Park next to the Subaru’s and I can show you where to register/tech and walk the course.

In all honesty, it’s too fun not to go. Don’t be worried about never doing it before. You’ll be addicted in no time.

almost forgot - fill all 4 of your tires to ~42 psi.