NYSpeed vs. Nick Pearl Necklace

I dont know who the kids are but …

Zerodaze> :gtfo: <Audi Kids

He’s allowed back on tomorrow…


Oh man, he already survived the lion’s den once! Don’t throw him back in! :stuck_out_tongue:

oh god…

lol funny thread :tup:

werd… got some springs from him, seemed like a good dude

first of all i am not the one talkin shit anymore…its my lil brother…and the fact that jesse is goin on my myspace to look at me is a lil fucked up…y dont u go lookin for girls jesse not guys…watever man i guess to each his own and watver but i dont understand y ur all even lookin at it first off i get more girls then ANY of u would know wat to do with so go ahead and talk ur shit. i moved on with my life and ur all still in ur worthless pathetic one. i apologized in a thread a few nights ago but it looks like ur all still a bunch of losers and ur fuckin honestly immature…have fun keepin a thread alive about my lil brother and talkin all ur computer shit from a thread that is mad old…grow the fuck up…i said ill race people and i dont even care anymore cuz the fact is i am goin to enjoy my summer with my crew and i think u should alldo the same and leave me the fuck outta ur pathetic lives. ur seriously talkin about me someone half of u dont even know! shows how much time u have on ur hands… see you around “boys” and advice for jesse why dont u work on keepin a relationship with ur 15 yr old girl and stop lookin for guys on myspace…and leave me outta ur life or continue and show how much u havent changed since highschool which it seems like ur presently living in! im done i apologized and ur all still a bunch of fuckin losers living ur computer "e- thuggin lives…

the irony is killing me … lol

bitch, your the one that restarted this thread … and now just restarted it again …

it as dead twice and you brought it back twice

can i be your friend?


they used to live behind me…

then moved a few years ago to clarence

then it was no longer my problem

aaron u know wat ur a peice of shit!! u wanna talk shit about my family that treated u like one of our own and did everything for you…go fuck jesse in the ass some more u fat peice of worthless shit!

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Who starts a post with “grow up” then writes some childish shit like that. And last time I checked i was 26 and she was 21, and hotter than fuckin hell, but i dont need to tell you that cause she already shot you down over and over and over and… Nick you still drive a fuckin slow ass 200sx, and if you had $1500 at all times you’d be driving something that people wouldnt deliver pizzas in. Stop playing the Italian wanna-be mafioso, everybody already knows your an internet tough guy pussy. NEWS FLASH… YOUR NOT ITALIAN, YOUR NOT BY ANY MEANS TOUGH, YOU WERE THE BIGGEST DORK IN HIGH SCHOOL AND YOU DRIVE A 1995 NISSAN 200SX…NEWS FLASH. And as far as saying something to you this summer, There isn’t enough money in this world to get you to stop in the same parking lot I’m in. So go do what you do best, run and hide from me

ur girl never shot me down first off jesse as i recall my girl shot you down along with any respectable non slut at south and as for bein a loser…lol u had freinds until they realized ull never grow up and now hey j how many freinds from south do u have left…ahhahaha exactly NONE! and im not hiding j u know exactly were i live and since ur so into lookin for me and wondering about my car why the fuck dont u come to my house and im sure ull get a very nice wake up call…and y dont u look in the mirror and try and say hi to ur balding head and realize ur too old to do stupid shit like this and date little girls…and by the way shes not 21 ur dating some gross dark haired broad i saw u at the gas station like 1 month ago and u just stood there pumpin ur gas with ur nice shinny head shining in ur puffy vest…ur a fuckin joke and honestly bein 26 u have nothin to show for it…im very sorry for you. so im always right across the street from wegmans corner of hopkins and sheridan or at my crib so if ur so into fighting still being the super highschool allstar pimp come over and we can talk! grow the fuck up ur almost 30…can u say over the hill…get ur shit together and stop trying to look soo cool in front of an internet site, u always did have to make a scene. i would just love to tell u more about how many times ive hooked up with ur “girlfreinds” while u were dating them and then have them tell me how i was so much better but im not gonna release that info cuz i dont want to ruin ur hardcore “mack daddy pimp game” which i must add is a joke! lol hows my dick taste j! and yes my little brother does have more then u being 20 and you bein 26 DOESNT THAT SAY SOMETHING JESSE!!! thats fuckin embarassing!!! well im off to do something more constructive with my time so im sure by the time i get to this again there will be another 5 pages…unless u all just drop it and fuckin grow up! thats seriously all i have to say…

whoa, 8 pages?

i guess i haven’t missed much.

yo this is pearls friend shwagrath

Your all bitch Ill run your little race cars over in my ranger on my 35" boggers pussys


worthlessssssssssss curl up and die

ahhhh illumanatti 2012

good luck pearlage kill these fuckin ricer wangers


putting 35’s on a ranger is like taking a poodle to a dog fight

mini trucks are for bagging
full size trucks are for bragging

do you have a 302 in teh rangggger?

otherwise :shrug:

and do you guys share the screenname?!? that’s um, cute


ok why dont we all just sit down blow some lines and chill cuz i need more yak or im gonna flip out on the whole fuckin program ~shwagrath
