NYSpeed vs. Nick Pearl Necklace

Good read after getting woken up at 5:30am to move my car :tup:

:tup: on making it to the end,I couldnt with all the typos.I’ll try again later.

yea, its a hard read.

literacy… bah, ballers dont need that shit

So basicly you are a little bitch who cant fight your own fights and need your friends or bouncers to do it for you?

Just go kick his ass already… break his fingers too, I cant bare reading anymore of his special ed. posts :ham: He makes Mike Tyson look like a friggin scholar

I think my eyes are bleeding.

haha we got evidence here saying that he likes sniff yayo, someone get the account info, link his ip address and email address to him. then get his kids taken away for him being a fucking coke head. it all makes sense, him and his boy nick sit around, get all coked up and then come on here and type a mile a minute. ban this pussy and go whoop his ass.


that is all


ok i’m good

You’re not even worh my time…

Hey, God? Help us with this one? How about you darwin, think you could help?

hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm…I am trying to think of something funny to say but its not working because well…U left me speechless with your stupid moronic comments.

PS…Jesse is super sexy…and so is Aaron

You passed highschool how?
Christ, your kid is gonna be dumber than a fuckin pet rock.

Step 1. Count to 10, breathe slowly.
Step 2. Get google spellcheck bar.
Step 3. Stop reciting everything you have said before.
Step 4. Keep posting, its extremely entertaining.

Thank you, come again

Lets hope so cause dad is a fucking retard!! :lol: But I get the feeling that you are more of a sperm doner than a father…

So Skunk, let me get this straight.

This is the same guy that was at BTC and I was nose to nose with him ?

It can’t be, cause this guy talking shit here is a badass mother fucker.

The kid I was toe to toe with nearly pissed his pants. :ohnoes:

I’m confused. :confused:

seriously though i hope you have a 2nd shift job or something, because most of your posts seem to be in the early morning and you sound like a cracked out teenager. some role model…

yea i don’t think this was the same kid

I think that was the kid with the TT on his eclipse…totally different kid

You dont have your son your ex-girl does so stop with the bullshit. And I have no clue where you live, I’ve never been to your parents house in Clarence, nor have I been to your apartment seeing as how you just moved there, so since your not afraid of me…GO AHEAD AND PM ME WITH THE ADDRESS

Skunk - I was joking, yes it was Nick Pearl that had nothing to say when I was in his face.

Jesse - He isn’t worth the time. He’s a punk.

LOL…ok my bad :smash2:

YIPPEEEEEE!!! :wiggle: