I hope one day I get to meet this dude in person.
I want to show him how strong my pimp hand is.
I hope one day I get to meet this dude in person.
I want to show him how strong my pimp hand is.
Now you are perma-banned… Threatening people is a big no no here.
but its not a threat if theres a 99.99% chance of being beaten to a pulp by the people your threatening
its like if i tried to bet $20 grand that its going to be 97* and sunny tomorrow … thats not a bet, thats self punishment
nah nah.nahnahnah nah. hey hey hey good bye
I want the last 20 minutes of my life back. God that was strenuous reading.:banghead:
Can we just lock this nonsense now ? He isn’t coming back.
if this is the kind of thread that we were trying to avoid on this new forum, why is it still open?
If you want this thread closed, PM Zwarbyt and ask why it’s still open…
this kid is straight balla yo
he must’ve went to lancaster
This is OT, anything goes… Evo thread was in Gen Auto where we have stricter rules…
Zwarbyt mods this forum so like I said, if people thing it should be closed, have them talk to him…
But I did ask him to lock it and he said he wouldnt do it unless i “hung out” with him in the back of his conversion van again tonight. :creepy:
whats wrong with Lancaster:eyebrow:
the overwhelming majority of people that come from there are white trash
I should know, I grew up there
I am not white trash thank you very much…
one can only hope:)
So now that ur in Amherst your better then everyone else?