NYSpeed vs. Nick Pearl Necklace

Get me some pictures of the front of your car and your Girlfriend :wink:


Click the bottom of my sig…



anytime a crazy silver audi story comes out, it always ends up being bigrons old car.

When u decide that sucking dick is ur hobby u find me in my silver audi and ill show u a feild day u fag. why dont u spend some more time looking at internet porn and buy a nicer car because for one Audi is one of the finest German Engineered vehicles and i think Honda is one of the finest…? Ha ur a joke have fun with ur cute little car because half my girlfriends drive civic’s so keep that in mind. So Keep on Racing buddy cuz that isnt what i bought my car for cuz i know when i can tell people i spent $15,000 on a vehicle they believe me when u say u invested anything? they laugh cuz u drive a civic… Keep dreamin maybe someday ull be able to fill my shoes… Have fun and Keep being an Internet Thug and come out and find me

^^^^ your calling ZD an internet thug … yet your only other posts on here so far were the nick pearl thread …

you fucking suck at life

hahahahah i love when people come on her e getting all defensive n then make themselfs sound like MORE of a douche then at first

good stuff.


i am pretty sure ZD rocks a saab now. since i own both a saab and an audi, if one of my cars is broken, it is usually the audi. not that i don’t love the old quattro, it is a little over-engineered.

i was really afraid someone was gonna suggest that i was the one trying to race here. i know better than to race someone in my old 10 valve. unless it is snowing :smiley:

You’re a fucking idiot and make the other VW owners look bad. You drive like an asshole, you deserve to be made fun of.



When you buy a Bentley then you can act like you’re hot shit.

…til then, just keep your mouth shut and in the “pretend ballers” club.

People have 15k invested into 2006 Neons. You’re not as cool as you think you are.

edited for truth. 15 thousand dollars aint shit. an audi isnt the best, mercedes and porshe still>audi. quit beign a internet tough guy. this shit gets old fast u just like your brother come here and say the same repetitive things. we dont care what u think of the board. stfu and get out. just because u own a 15 thousand dollar luxury car doesnt mean u own the road when u drive. u will learn that when ur wrapped around a pole.

HAHAHAHA… He thinks he’s a baller because he bought a $15,000 car.

Hey nsydet, whats the retail on one of those things… “more than you can afford pal, AUDI!”

my pos cost 16 i must be big pimpen yo

:lol: $15000 audi wooo wooo big baller

where the hell did this come from? lmao way to make yourself look like a tool :tup: wow…

^^^ WHats UP CLOWN…? ^^^ hmmmm…lmao…
what a retard…

15 grand aint shit buddie…
wake up smell that coffee…

when ur ballin in a 50k car come talk. Till then, us turbo hatches will chew u up and spit u out alllllll seeeeeaaaassssooonnnnnn llloooooooooooonnnnggggggg.

Yay, another new addition to my ignore list…

powned by the audi owners … niiiiice

You paid how much for your A4?

Tee hee hee

how’s those control arms doing?

i had an A4 - it broke more than my DSM does

and it’s expensive to fix

and slow

and not that luxurious