Just when you think it’s slowing down bam.
How many pages do you predict??
i say 15 before it gets locked.
Hey everybody
Read post 231.
Then post 240.
Ugghh… On the plus side looks like I’ll have some good entertainment for tomorrow.
Just wow.
sleep time, can’t wait to see this in the morning.
Locked for the time being. Although amusing, I think we’d get more out of beating a dead horse than we would this thread.
faith in humanity… -1
her lips are purrrrdy
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Awesome… lol the public has no idea how funny that is that cuban hijacked my account… obviously fuckwad still owes me cash. HOWEVER what the public doesn’t know is that even some of his “friends” PM’d me about him being a lowlife lying scumbag. So inadvertantly, I hope that he read my PM’s so that he could see even his friends hate him.
LOL that is classic, someone that is actually his friend should really be on suicide watch
Wow Chino…the plot thickens.
Should charge admission for this kind of theatre
i’m impressed he was able to hack your account. That’s kinda funny.
At least you got it back.
Oh Oh someone post cubans IP
Find out if cuban is on DSL or not.