he will be back eventually, you could maybe, have beck tell you the story and post it
man motherfuckin site is so slow it keeps timing out when trying to post hahaha
yeah its pretty shitty, almost like its being run off a crappy PC?
omg newman beat me to it…
I think I’m banned or something from there… :shrug:
these posters are the best thing EVER
holy shit, look at the upper right hand corner of my poster… EEK
ah this thread is totally making my day
lol, time to cross post this thread on his site :tup:
signed up
username: chucknorris>superman
why so much beef? cuban is a good guy.
omg i didnt think i could hate myspace anymore than i alreayd did and this kid sealed the friggn deal
maybe because hes owed me 400 dollars for a mad long time and keeps trying to dodge me?
man i have a higher post count than anyone on that site :tup:
he has owed money to a forum member for like almost a year now
hahah this is the only thread i need to look at all day but i cant refresh it fast enough to keep up with funny comments
omfg i can’t even bare to post on there it takes so fucking long haha