NYSpeed will love this v.cubancrisis ***PICS***

doenst post on there much.



i’ve def called his phone 10 times, def left numerous messages. left my number. if he even tries to pretend he is trying to make an attempt at paying thats a crock of shit.

and yes, he does owe me 400 fucking dollars, when he left for chicago he owed me 300. and i told him i was charging him the interest I WAS BEING charged. which was 50/mo. therefore. it is well past 400. however since i paid it off since i assumed his fucking broke ass was not going to pay me.

lets see i am calling his phone right now. what a surprise. two rings then to voicemail.

that and he still has my paypal request for money, pay your invoice fucker.

EDIT: Also you can further tell how available he wants to make himself to me since if i log on a different aim screen name hes online… lol, must be magic

cuban id u see this some way or the other., pay this money fag!!!

yeah jim is a good guy and doesnt deserve to be jerked around like this…

and he left me more messages The eX Dream: he don’'t call aso there is no excuse

Auto response from Nitroinsane: brb

The eX Dream: if he wanted it he would call… i dunno his number… and further more about my site… if he wants his money there is a better way then being a complete fuckin idiot about it… how about asking… id gladly send if i knew where

omg i’m on that site! yay!

pow pow power rangers dooo dooo odoo dooo doo pow pow pow power rangers dooo doo doo doo do :slight_smile:


def called as i was typing the last one, and left my number, said it multiple times.

also i can’t even count how many different places i sent my address thru PM, email, paypal.

dude is a broke fuck and can’t pay because he has no money, not because he doesnt know how to get it to me.

My post was deleted! How rude!

why is his email "ubrf.org@gmail.com"?

and i cant sign up on his site? lol

cause hes bitter he banned everywhere.he doent want chino signing on. i find it funny he ims me and not chino

Superman apparently doesn’t have super powers to figure out how transparent he is, huh?

im on that horrid forum of his, he is smallville on lokiart.com, sign up and pm him there

oh my muddy truxor peole no read :frowning:

I think i gave that fucker my steam account.

lol why, he doesn’t owe you money :stuck_out_tongue:


This is just so sad…what a tool…

we should all IM The eX Dream and bother him, i guess I’ll start now since theres nothing to do at work

Judge Judy!

BTW I wouldnt call anything that Kustom or this Cuban kid does Web design… lol.