NYSpeeds hater awards

There he is! I’ve missed you

lol @ ilc

and let me tell you, that walter sure is a faggot

You were comparing me to this guy???! :squint:

…I am such a friendly person. He is just angry and full of hatred. I dont see the similarities. Or does he like berettas too? :biglaugh:

this thread is for most HATRED, not HATED. :skunk: silly faggot, go post somewhere else


You faggot piece of shit. Do you honestly think it makes you cool to follow someone around a message board and attempt patronize them? If so, it only verifies how much of a life-less nerd without friends you are. You are so worried that other people are not going to like you that you think if you can make fun of someone else people wont see your true dick-sucking core. It would be sad and some might feel sorry for you and your true incompetence, but everyone is too busy wondering how you could be so pathetic. SO if you take your tiny little dick with you, get your hand out of your super loose, packed-shit asshole and maybe vault off a very high cliff, you will do the world a favor. Not only will you no longer have to cry at night about being so damn ugly, but no one else will have to listen to your stupid bullshit anymore.

But I am sure you wont comprehend half of what I wrote because you will be too busy trying to figure out how to make me look like a “noob” and post something like, “fail”. You fucking moron.

I’m getting sick of everyone refering to berettas, shut the fuck up already.



HMMmmmmm, you use the word dick a lot. got something on your mind? That was a pretty boilerplate rant/insult there champ, way to go.

I haven’t followed you by any means, it’s more that you keep posting garbage where I happen to be reading, and I’m responding. If you would have kindly ended yourself when I first asked, this wouldn’t be an issue :suicide:

PS - its “lifeless” - no hyphen. you know, like your corpse will be after you hang yourself in shame

PPS - it should be more than clear now that I don’t give a fuck if “people like me”

PPPS - carry on with the ending-yourself bit, kthxbye

haha. This place can be entertaining.

??? He looks at the closet, I pull out my Beretta /rkelly… lol

im willing to be he has more friends than you do

thats funny, because I am pretty sure I have met you in person and you looked like a huge nerd. :shrug: I don’t normally judge people by their appearances though. You might and probably are a cool guy.

But I see how everyone jumps on the hate wagon so they can fit in.

you have??

but yea your right about me being a nerdish lookin

Little bit nerdy, cool dude though :tup:

Don’t hate … masturbate… thats my motto

3 pages of nothing.

this thread will be closed in t-3 days… what about a poll? are you looking for nominations?

this is a great example of a failing thread…

or how about its fine so people can bitch at each other in this thread. Example of fail? there is more than enough hate in here. OMG no awards, its not like any other thread actually stays on topic.

Go sit on your hands and let your stupid fucking pug lick peanut butter off your dick

This thread fucking sucks.

so one thread just to hate on people…

hrmmm. concept is good, i wonder how it would work out… worth a shot. closing thread and making another in a second…

nice thread hate. :tup:
