…and censored, so who gives a shit?

I swear, you tune into S&R and you are transported back to 1994. THEY STILL PLAY THAT SAME FUCKING SMASHING PUMPKINS SONG! For a station that calls themselves “The Edge” they sure play alot of shit that is 20 years old.

Cause you can’t hear them swear? Big fucking deal! They are funny either way.

yeah… and it’s not like you dont know what their saying lol

"phhhhu beeep

I have no issues with S&R…I listened to O&A when they were on 92.9, but since I got Sirius I havent listend to much “free” radio since then. I doubt i will tune in.

No, because there will be entire conversations and topics that you probably will never hear on terrestrial radio. With the new laws in place, and with their previous track record, I would expect the radio station to be monitoring the show and editing it heavily.

Not to mention 20 minutes of commercials per hour…

I could care less what’s in the morning, I have a 2 minute commute and can just listen to CD’s since I hate all talk radio, but having talk on 3-7 is the suck. Huge :tdown: from me.

They are very good at dancing around the regulations. On XM they go through the dump sheet which is every instance that they had to use delay. Its usually only 2 or a so a day and those are because of callers.

It’s actually not that honest. I usually listen to WBEN or NPR on the radio, depending on whether that boring lady, Dr Joy Brown, is on or not.

Art Bell? Quite possibly the best radio show ever.

Laura Ingram? Hilarious.

Dr. Laura is a twat. I just get mad when I listen to her.
Art Bell is just crazy. I used to listen to that to fall asleep and would have dreams about aliens and all kinds of weird stuff.

word, the niagara falls police blotter + some calls with vic carruci about the bills, thats all id ever want to hear in the morning. otherwise play music, ya know, like a radio station. some talk show from some other city, how fucking retarded, who cares

O & A party rocks you fools … who cares if it’s censored(sp?) … they where on the air for YEARS and were funny as hell … they will do very well this time around

Personally i think S & R will do better in the afternoon … simply because there are no afternoon talkshows ( please dont give me an AM bullshit shows … AM sucks the balls and should die like the laserdisk)

I’ve been listening to O&A in the morning for the last couple weeks. (My brother has them streaming on the internet…I don’t know the site offhand…) And the free FM portion of the show is pretty good. They set a personal dump record the other day…I think it was 27 in those 3 hours. it was mostly because they couldn’t say “blowjob” and they kept on asking if they can say “blowjob” because Leno said “blowjob”. hehe

The streamin that you heard did they have the uncensored portion of the show too?

to be honest, i was never an O & A fan myself. one of the radio stations (92.9 i think) had a show on for a while in the afternoon called The Don and Mike Show…that was some good radio right there! i think people in rochester still get it.

It was ok. I listened because it was on and no other reason. I didn’t think it was very funny.

Don and mike were only on the air because O&A got fired. Then when people called to tell them that they insisted they were a better show. Jim norton>*

I really don’t know how anyone enjoys Norton.

As long as Liddy the yogurt cup is still on O&A I am happy :slight_smile:

Norton is friggin hysterical with his witty banter and his verbal mocking of people.

don and mike> Opie and anthony

for those of you who dont know who D&M are, i think you need to step back and re-evaluate your life right now

Don & Mike were hacks…the only thing funny about their show was them getting drunk on absinthe.