What’s up 77 days of uptime…?
Yeah, I still have a 2k server at my house. It’s my testing platform. Cold Fusion MX, MS SQL 2000 & IIS. It just runs and runs and runs.
I had one back in my sat hacking days that was up for 5 months decoding encrypted sat signals 24/7/365.
speaking of servers, does OSX(or mac in general) have that capibility? just out of curiosity
edit: but yes… I do love 2k. have it running on my second work computer and had been on (locked/unlocked) for the past 3 months and not a single hickup yet (although I really only use it for 2D cad stuff)
yeah i love win2k, its very light and never crashes
:roll: Call me when you hit 1 year+
Can do, baring any power outage.
Indeed. We had a Novell box at BPD that was up for over well over 2 years.