Why windows servers suck...

Stupid windows service packs…

“Setup could not verify the integrity of the file Update.inf. Make sure the Cryptographic service is running on this computer”

See error…kick computer…

Anyone else have any good storys :lol:

Replacing a domain controller at one site running Windows 2k3 last year we discovered that you can not simply export user accounts and group policies without purchasing a third party program or using a series of command line tools that do not work right…

Windows servers I really enjoy for most applications except for the constant need to update them and maintenance.

Those migrations are always fun…

windows cant seem to install a couple updates on my computer

ugh yeah we are going through Migration on our Win Servers right now…have to be done/cloned ~3 times each before it actually works correctly

i rm -rf everything, but that has nothing to do with windows. god i hate all of our windows servers.

That was uber nerd for a girl

rm -rf /* ?

yes, i’m a nerd. we’re in the middle of a huge project so we’re reformatting a bunch of linux servers.


Yea I ran into your boss at lunch the other day…He was talking about linux stuff.

I was tempted to tell him I want to come work over there and do linux stuff all day.

i lost 2 of my main data servers in Cali.

but i lost mine cause the fucking whole building burned down. lol


We have 2 data centers 1 in Buffalo 1 in Cali…with Virtualization and iSCSI I can move a server from one to the other in real time :wink:

Damn you windows, Damn Youse all to hell!


Windows sucks because Mac is better. Thats right, try and make sense out of that…

I think its pretty clear those servers self-immolated…Its really the only honorable thing to do.

fucking emo servers