Server migration white papers?

Im in the process of planning out a server migration from one datacenter to a new one…

60 or more domain names…A bunch of servers…a shit load of virtual interfaces for SSL…routed/non routed DSL accounts…

Has anyone seen any decent papers/articles on planning something like this…

I have the whole move mapped out just curious if im missing any tips or tricks.

I will send you our articles from Technet tomorrow when I’m at work

This should be all the resources you need, I have some procedures somewhere around here if you want them. Mostly for exchange servers and sql servers

Im moving a bunch of live webservers/live sql servers/DNS servers.

definitely follow some type of reputiable white paper or sop.


good luck with that :tspry: has some redbooks available on such migrations. Doesnt matter what server you have, same shit still applies. Search

what exactly are you doing - more detail could lead to better results… are you migrating domains together into one AD (assuming this is a windows 2000+ environment?), are you buying new equipment? is this for websites or a corporate network ?

what types of servers ?

how much control do you have over them & what type of access do you have to them (i.e. physical access or not) ?

I have some really good white papers on server 2003 migrations and domain merging, I don’t do a ton with web though

Im not moving windows based servers…I know how to do Windows Server migrations…

Im moving an entire ISP’s network…2 racks of servers…Linux machines.

Web Servers
SQL Servers
DNS Servers(180 Domain names maybe more im cleaning up the server right now)
Mail Servers
DSL Users some of which are routed.
Dial up users.

All new IPs and whole new network…New physical location.

The DNS change over for all these domains is going to be a bitch.

lol so wheres everyone now

saying a small prayer for you

Ah, like I said I don’t do much w/web, I mean I manage our domain names and shit but we don’t do hosting. Thats why I asked what exactly you were trying to do :wink:

Also it seemed like everyone was sending you to MS sites so that is also what lead me down that path.

Just doing a physical move should not be that bad though, not like you are setting up 2 new full racks of servers. That would be fun times lol

Good luck, sounds like a real hoot

Oddly enough I just accepted a new job offer…So I might be doing this nights/weekeneds on contract.