singh get the FUCK back to america before you forget how to work my website :ohnoes

well the bathrooms are the most common places to find them, and toads, fuckin toads are everywhere , the way the house is stup here is 2 stories… and the first story ofc is ground level, and MOST of it is indoors so to speak, then htere is a part where its this HUGE marbel floor thingy outside, but suurounded by the houses walls, kinda hard to explain i guess its like taking the top off ur lviing room cieling and then just making everything weather proof

anyways on this marbel there is endlesss and countless amounts of toads hoppin around at night and walking to the bathroom i gotta like SKATE my feet across the floor so i dont actually step on one of these fuks

Singh, np dude. I can only speak one language. So you got one up on me.

Not unless you have Gold support. Those guys are straight from Texas.

yea when people in america diss others or consider them stupid because they cant speak english right… i think its funny cuz they are often leaving out the fact that these people are speaking multiple languages and sometimes writing in multiple alphabets as well etc or w/e

man im just out of the zone tonight lmao i feel like a dumbass typing, i gotta step away i have “off nights” sometimes i guess

i only call newegg support to RMA shit, and sometimes the companies of evga, xfx, ocz, bfg etc to do warranties, i never have and never will call dell … no thanks, unless its for a monitor RMA

Dude. The majority of American’s are stupid. They are lazy and take everything for granted.

My cousin came to the US when he was in 9th grade. He knew everything he was learning up until the beginning of 11th grade. The educational system over in Europe (and I’m sure Asia) is 100x better than here.

I had kids in my english class who had 40 averages. That’s pathetic and sad.

Dell actually has the best tech support/customer service. IF, and ONLY if, you have Gold support.

Dont like it you know where the door is…


I see what you did there.

the education in the US is far behind… i couldnt fucking believe the kind of shit they are evening teaching to my little cousins over here, the shit is WAY to hard, like in a bad way, they need to fuckin relax with this education shit…cuz most of this crap they will NEVER use ever

gotta start focussing on teaching shit that actually matters

like teaching singh some grammar

yea i’ve heard but i dont call support to ask questions, i call support to tell them what to do… often they learn something new


Its a LIZARD, you might as well be one of the people that run from butterflies in a park. Its probably eating all the nasty flying bugs that would bite and sting you at night.

Yo Froggy is backin his boyz UP!!

Butterflies are way creepier than that lizzard.
Have you ever seen a butterfly up close?
Their weird little eyes, and their furry bodies, and the way their wings are just like little tiny feathers. Ugh. Creepy.

haha yea obv i made this thread more just to be funny

yea i def jumped up when it ran up my neck but in general i could care less, i just thought it was funny to be overdramatic about it

and i watch them eat flies sometimes… mo fuckers are talented !

oh shit :rofl cant believe i didnt post that

btw we had a cobra snake that slipped under the front gate and go to the stairs i got pics on facebook of it :slight_smile:

Pssttt… Singh… if you say “cobra” we know what you mean without specifying that it’s a snake. :slight_smile:
