his number is 716-807-7530.
call him now. his name is brent.
his number is 716-807-7530.
call him now. his name is brent.
yes. this thread is going to explode with fantastic posts.
cant wait for details!
ok talked to him, has to be the bike… he has the house number i seen it at… he is going to check it out now with some people, hope he finds it
oh fuck me. i was just about to go to bed.
well i think he is just going to check it out first, since im not 100% sure this was the guys house he lived at maybe he was just stopping by to buy some rocks… we will find out, awaiting his call
buy some rocks? exactly where a bunch of northtowns white kids should go
oh snap, just wondering how someone would register this bike or are they stupid enough to be riding it illegally?
I hope its the bike… and i hope the thief gets the fuck beat outta him… b4 he gets arrested
i really think they are just drivin it illegally it was a big dark skinned guy wearing only some sort of chest protecter (almost bullet proof vest like) and a helmet
i really hope this is the guy, and not someone with the same bike lol but i doubt it seeing that it had the same exact windscreen and same slip on
pics of sister??
uhh i mean, i hope it’s his bike!
I want youtube vids of the arrest ala that canadian skyline debacle.
If i see it on the road can i take it out?
Were you able to see if there happened to be a big chunk missing out of the top right of the windscreen?
you stole my Just ahhhhh
I guess its time to pm daddy for a name change.
i would love to stay up all night checking this thread but i need sleep. hope he finds the fucker.
Brent and the calvary are still on their little adventure.