Obama fans are scary


Read some of the topics. Some people are scary crazy.

Like the ones who voted for Bush?



So did you actually click on the link and read the topic and what some of the people are doing?

doubt it.

This isn’t a thread about Obama, this is about the people on that website and what they are saying and doing.

Wow… they are idolizing him like he is the next messiah…

I assume you’re talking about stuff like this?
I’d like to think they’re not serious.

Or this:

:lol: The fact that “theobamaforum” exists is terrifying in its own right.

I’d like to know how many of those posts are real or just jokes. If most are real then I’m even more worried about the state of our country…

Hellooooooo Jen!

:word: that caught my eye too.

:mamoru: everyone hug and be one :grouphug:

suck on my boom stick!

works both ways… EVERY view point on everything has its extremists

I’m going to ban JayS from this thread. If he clicks that link his head is going to explode. Literally. Brains and shit all over his desk. Gross.

Edit: I’m surprised Don lived to post a mamoru.

Blue Eyed Devil’s just going to start twitching.

user ‘Jen’ has HUGE TATS

editL ive been beaten to the punch

yeah, i think you can safely say they’re joking

I hope most of the people posting are just trolls because if they’re not that’s just scary and sad all at the same time.

I’m sure it’s a mix. There’s a lot of fucking whacked people out there. Remember the world is flat forum? Or gassavers.org?


“Obama Love” is really Blue Eyed Devil’s troll account.

So was the patriot act repealed yet?