Obama fans are scary

Hmm. I think we’re still waiting on that one.

How long is it going to take to get all these racist assed crackas rounded up and put into FEMA camps? I cant wait for the streets of my hood to be safe again where I can take my kid outside witout worrying about some honkey coming up wit his assault rifle and shooting everything in site.


IT seems this is going to be theobamaforum #2. Every day there is 2 or 3 new threads on Obama.

:shrug: First time there hasn’t been a Bush or a Clinton in the executive office in almost all of our lives. (Bush Sr was first elected VP in 1979.)

It’s kind of exciting.


one user’s sig pic

yeah they’re definitely dead serious and are all whackjobs !!!

wait… how come they get to have such big sig pics =\

I think it is…I think it’s time for a change (and I’m not just quoting the campaign slogans). I am not an Obama evangelist, and I have no party affiliation. Every election is similar to the southpark school mascot election between a Giant Douche and a Terd Sandwich. I do however think the right man for the job is in office.

Aside from that, for the amount of people that dislike Obama it sure does seem like everyone is paying him a lot of attention.

You don’t think that it’s obnoxious as hell?

nah you’re right it’s super obnoxious, haha
imagine the sigs nyspeed trolls would have :open_mouth:

Honestly, I just laughed.

That same kind of laugh I’d give if I was stuck on a plane that was about to slam a the mountain I kept warning people about. Kind of a, “fuck it, at least I die with everyone knowing I was right”, conceited chuckle if you will. :slight_smile:

Really, I doubt many of those are real posts. It looks like a giant forum of civicjims.

My head hurt more this morning when I started thinking about the fact that I’m basically buying a rifle for Jeg. His unemployed ass is taking his tax refund check and spending it on something stupid. Since my tax dollars basically bought it, I should be allowed to shoot it anytime I want. I only want to shoot it once really, the day he gets it, and I’ll shoot him.

I just laughed too, also not in a funny like a clown laugh.

Thank god for Jay otherwise nobody could be on unemployment and we’d all live in sewers and be poor forever and he could be king of the world and everything would finally be for the best. :jays:

hey everyone on unemployment, don’t you dare spend a penny on anything besides food or shelter! AND I BETTER NOT SEE YOU FUCKERS SMILE!

I actually feel your pain here. My head hurt thinking that most of the reason I pay so much damn tax is because I don’t have a wife or a 4doorherd. Then I started thinking about tax deductions for kids, and who has them, and ended up on a very Republican tangent that you should have to make a minimum amount in order to get any deduction for having kids. We want to encourage poor people to NOT have kids, not the other way around.

How about that woman who just had 8 kids via in vitro-fertilization?
She has no job.
She’s collected $165k in benefits already.
She already had 6 kids BEFORE trying to get knocked up again.

So who paid for that procedure to implant her with 6 fertilized embryos?
So who’s going to pay for these additional 8 kids?

I’ll give you a hint. She lives in CA, the state that is in a race to go bankrupt with NY.

She is why we can’t have nice things. Even her parents are saying she’s a retard.

I’m fairly sure everyone there is trolling

Actually, she’s not the reason. There aren’t enough people that dumb to influence public policy. The problem is people like khoveraki who seem educated but at the same time hopelessly clueless when it comes to how entitlement is destroying our economy and country. There are a lot of these people and they can and do effect policy.

Oh my god LOL


just…WOW. :tinfoilhat:. This is the type of shit that really scares me.

i think a lot of these people arf conspiracy theorists but they are putting a humorous spin ont it. Some of them talking about fema camps and the georgia guide stones but then they throw the word honkey or cracker in there. I think they are just being humerous.

haha well there is a bill before congress right now that obama is pushing, that if passed, he can ban firearms from all civillians throughout the entire country. Ill look up the hr number. It will most deffinitly not pass but it is there and thats pretty scary.