Obama fans are scary

Actually I had to pay the taxes on the unemployment that I am recieving. Which is why it is only $800 that I am getting back in my return. I don’t spend my UI money on stupid shit. I very rarely ever go out and do anything. My money goes for bills, and anything else is carefully budgeted. I try to give myself like $10-20 a week for shit that I want, which really is not much at all. So I am sorry if I want to get something when I get a tax return for the money I WORKED for if my budget allows.

I garuntee you that if they push something like that we are looking at the next revolutionary war.


evangelical christians are scarier, and they’re serious about their gods.

some of them have funny avatars

and wtf:

I’ve been working full time since I was thirteen. I bought a $20,000 car in cash in 07. I bought a $10,000 car straight up in 2009. I’ve lived alone and payed my bills on time for the past two years. I’m going to college for alternative fuel engineering and paying for school myself. If you think JEG buying a rifle with unemployment or somehow a guy like me is destroying this economy, you’re too distracted by your social hatred of people to see what needs to be done and what has been done. You’re so all knowing Jay? Why don’t you try for office? Any office? I don’t know about anyone else, but I’m sick to death of your political benchracing.

all i can say is wow.


Looked for 5 seconds and saw a thread labeled

“Fried chicken”

… Wow, just wow.

did anyone else find that funny?

I try to dislike alot of what you say, but i find that more and more i’m agreeing with you as of late…

This makes me sick. There was a woman who wrote into the D and C (rochester) and lauded the woman as a hero, saying she ‘saved the lives of 8 innocent embryos’… I would like to throw what woman in jail then for killing exactly one pre-child each month, each year, sinch she hit puberty. cause god KNOWS shes just wasting those eggs… fucking people…


I say make it a rule that if anyone quotes that shit as fact in any future thread that they be banned.

You’re going to school for “alternative fuel engineering” in the Buffalo area? Good luck.

i say we all sign up for it and start trolling the whole site till every piece of shit on their gives up on their sad dreams

What is wrong with that? Its not like this region doesn’t have one of the best examples of clean energy in the country.

And given the future of energy is in alternative sources it sounds like a good choice for a career.

He is talking about the quality of education on that subject…

You guys, he’s totally right. I’m actually going for just chemical engineering then transferring to Florida next semester. There’s no good programs up here for it at all.

You’re alluding to the Niagara Power Project, and NYPA. What a GREAT example.

  1. Hydro is maxed out, for the most part. We won’t be seeing many big power projects of this kind being built in the U.S.
  2. The money generated doesn’t stay in the area. It gets sent to White Plains, where it’s used as a political football.

Couple this with the real reason going to school in the area for alternative energy is a bad idea: there isn’t anybody with a research focus in anything that resembles it. The closest person would be Esther Takeuchi, but her focus is in implantable battery design.

Check out Colorado. They have a good biofuels engineering department. Possibly just graduating from UB with high grades and going to grad school would be a good decision.

He’s right, but I think it needs to be said that he’s not arguing against the level of schooling in NYS. We have one of the highest levels of education. But as far as engineering for the production and application of alternative fuels, we’ve got zilch. I’d like to get on mazda’s Hyodrogen Rotary team, but that’s just a pipedream. A lot of people might say to go to Hawaii, 1/3 of their power is from windmills, but I’m severely uninterested in windmills. ;D

That’s good to know, thanks! I hadn’t even looked at Colorado universities. I’m going to USF for two semesters then transferring somewhere more specific, I’ll definitely keep that in mind. What field are you in?