Obama gives part of AZ to Mexico

It’s true, Glen Beck shouldn’t be allowed to walk the Earth. I’m also not a closet Socialist, I openly support the idea. You have fun getting fed line after line of bullshit by Beck, I’ll look for the truth.

Also, I love how people are so against Obama and how he hasn’t magically fixed all the complete clusterfucks the Bush Administration caused in 8 years. Obama’s a man, not Jesus Christ. Next you’ll want him to walk and water and then turn it to wine. Let’s also not forget he’s dealing with a Congress and Senate that’s so far up their own asses and more interested in bickering with their opposition than fixing anything.

What it comes down to is, it used to be GOP that was corrupt. Well guess what? They still are! Only thing is, now the Democrats are the same way. What we really need is a revolt. Tear down and rebuild.