Obama gives part of AZ to Mexico

Need strong 3rd party NAO!

…How come no self proclaimed socialists pay more than their share of taxes willingly? Ya know, before buying things for their cars, or new cars or fun stuff for themselves? Just wondering.

I think a lot of people are socialists, as long as the money comes from someone else and you just get more services for free. As soon as they start taking your money your tune will change I do believe.

I agree with you sort of. I agree that something drastic needs to happen in order for any real change to come about. Whether it be an open revolt or not, I don’t know.

What thread are you talking about? :lol

edit: fixed

idk if we need an open revolt but we definitely need some change, and not that shit “change” this fucking obama guy talked about. liesss

Both parties are crippled. They’re more worried about denying their opposition power than caring for the American public, the people who SHOULD hold all the power. So fuck yeah we need an open revolt. The ideas this country was founded on have been shat upon.

well said…I agree with what you are saying here.

I just don’t agree with going in a more socialist direction.

Just trying to get your viewpoint. You said your pro socialism but then you complain about the direction of the country moving away from the founders. I agree it is, because its becoming more and more socialist(as every democracy does due to entitlements).

So do you think we should move more socialist? Or move back towards what the founders thought?

Well truthfully, the founding fathers’ ideas for the American government was closer to a social democratic society and much less so the capitalistic one we live in today. For the people by the people.

I know you’re trying to trip me up and try to show intellectual superiority, which is cool and all, but it doesn’t impress me much. Sorry, man.

That’s a huge stretch at best, IMO.

No im not, im just confused because you said one thing and then another. It seems like your playin both sides. I’m fairly certain some founding father didn’t want taxes at all, some wanted taxes and others even wanted a monarchy, but not socialism I could be wrong.

Thats seriously fucked up

agreed. America was very capitalistic compared to socialist come our founding. Socialist ideas didn’t really hit the scenes until the early 1800s.

Remember in the 1700s and 1800s Europe and the Americas were still dealing with Absolutism, and monarchs.

Eh… I see it differently. They were trying to escape the crown and found a country on the idea of being for the people and led by the people. Sounds a bit like (idealistic) Socialism to me. Democracy and Socialism run parallel on many themes and ideas, but unfortunately neither seem to work too well. The human factor always ruins it.

founded for the elites / bourgeoisie by the elites / bourgeoisie. it was about rights for certain peoples, and making money.

True, I guess. Fuck rich people, I say we loot the fuckers.

Why, because they worked hard to get to where they are? You don’t get rich by just sitting around on your ass and complaining about other people.

The thing I hate the most is when people complain about the “rich” people that have it better than they do. Of course they do, and they always will, but there is nothing wrong with that. Why should they suffer after they did what they had to in order to be successful.

It dosen’t matter if you are rich or poor people will always be greedy and superficial. It’s time that people like you grow up and realize that life isn’t fair and never will be. Be happy with what you’ve got already, and if your not happy with what you’ve got, go out and do something to further yourself without needing to bring everyone else down.

That’s also a stretch. Democracy doesnt have themes or ideas outside of government by the people. US was founded on that and freedom for those same people. I dont remember many socialist ideals in the Constitution.

I also think it’s crap that people use anything they can find to grant themselves more entitlement, in this case the Constitution. People need to take responsibility for themselves and their actions instead of finding reasons why they shouldnt have to.

Honest question, do you mean that back in 1776 or now (you said 'was)?

If you meant currently: I dont disagree that the elites founded the country, but how is it all about the rights for certain peoples making money? It took way too long, but all US citizens now have equal rights. Opportunities can never be equal but the progressives have done their best at that part too. :slight_smile:

I’ve watched honest hard working people toil their entire lives away trying to make a decent living to support their families, giving way more than any bank rolling piece of shit has ever done. Where’s their piece of the pie? Where’s their reward for doing their part to keep this country running?

The rich get richer and the poor get poorer these days, and fuck that. Fuck the rich, they don’t want to pay extra taxes, well too fucking bad. You want to be a part of this society, than you need to pay your share of it. If you don’t like it, we’ll seize your fucking property, sell your business, and deport you. Fuck the rich. And if you have a problem with my opinion, too fucking bad.

Ya know… I actually feel bad about that last post I made. Sorry about that, FRC… LOL