I don’t know too much about politics, but from how the last 8 years went, I’m surprised Obama didn’t win by an even larger margin. Bush really helped tear down the credibility of the Republican party in the eyes of many Americans.

And how can some of you people not have hope for the future? Were people like this when Clinton beat Bush Sr?



Abraham Lincoln… yes, the economy has changed, but principles shouldn’t have.

The great masses of the people… will more easily fall victims to a great lie than to a small one.

What luck for rulers that men do not think.

Best. Night. Ever.

lol i know, was being sarcastic :stuck_out_tongue:




^ Repost

:lol: Almost choked on my pizza…

well i must say any of you who thought racism was dead and not a part of life in america today take a look at this thread then go eat a big bag of shit.

other than that why is it that a group of grown men are such sore losers i hate losing as much as the next guy but when it comes down to it obama is your president and you should have hope for progress and change not cut off your nose to spite your face

Racism is only alive because people of that race still continue to fit into the stereotypes.

IE Blacks are Jobless Bums - 51% of black men living in buffalo are jobless. - http://www.buffalonews.com/home/story/463808.html

Racism will die when people change the overall view of their race


On that same note, you can also look at the polls and see it too :wink: just saying

eh, it happens BOTH ways. If I recall, the democrats were pretty sore losers when Bush took office… I do sincerely hope he proves the naysayers wrong though

glad that you’re back …also good to see you learned nothing from your trip away;)

racism will end when people of other races stop viewing other races based on stereotypes… but thats neither here nor there

not sure where you are going with this but. I don’t see how my comment can be viewed as a racist comment.

Its a common Black stereotype which I did not make up on the fly. Linked with a study which I did not make up.

Believe me I know racism is not dead, one of my very very good friends was a black cop and he told me all the stories. He is also very racist himself

Chicken and the Egg


wasnt going anywhere just for jokes really am glad that your back i actually never saw most of your “racist jokes” so i just appreciated your comedy

I love you too :slight_smile: