cali = :mamoru:

oh well, hes no worse than any of the others, as long as he doesnt take my guns away i can live with the man.

Congrats to him. :tup:

booing concession…

Hillary fans did it to her when she left the race too.

AWESOME speach by mccain… kudos to him

yeah…honestly…It’s not like either party is classy.

not like any news station is any better then the other.

Horray to this being over…life can continue :tup:

McCain is classy in defeat for sure.

Not like the fucking Rove interview that just took place

Oh thank god. As milfy as she is i cant stand hearing palin talk. shes like a dumb pretty girl that looks good as hell but as soon as she opens her mouth you just want to tell her to hush up.

just sayin

:tup: to McCain concession speech, I liked his reference to Obama’s Grandmother.

joe the plumber '12?

Fuck Palin, that white privilege cunt

GOOD now palin can go back to being a nobody



except for the trail of tears

and the japanese internment camps

glad its over. lets see what happens next.

Arent the businesses making greater than $250K, the ones creating a greater volume of jobs? I’d be interested to see Obama’s tax plan effects the US economy.

Other than that, I think he is a good choice.

lol zong

:tup: nice to have someone i voted for win this time :stuck_out_tongue:

awdrifter you can go eat a big bag of shit… a big bag of shit

OK HONESTLY, did ANYONE spot ONE minority at McCain’s concession speach?

Not sure, they all look the same to me

Thank god. Now the election coverage will stop!