ESPN should seriously let her have her own moose hunting show

cccccombo… hahahahahahaha

Live Webcast:

Palin was the best thing to happen to Obama’s campaign.

True. Bush was an easy scape goat because he’s the “leader.” Nevermind the significant number of people who re-elected him in 2004.

It does disturb me that Obama outspent McCain 4 to 1 using money from unknown sources (or so they say). But thats marketing 101…spend more…get more sales.

Cant wait for the next Michael Moore documentary :bloated:

I seriously hope secret service has their gamefaces on

wow… from Fox news

“Democrats have the best after parties, since they don’t have to go to work in the morning”

Jesus, can we show them Jeg and prove them wrong?

Agreed, if i threw around the cash obama did i could tell you anything i wanted and you would beleive me. And what happened to his promise to not take money from a certain group… lies!
Oh and why the fuck did all the channels have to focus on all the minorites crying an wyling (sp ) out?

a competent speaker! i can’t handle it!

well im glad your feeling adored :slight_smile:

lol they fixed it

where is Biden? am i missing something?

Who gives a fuck what he’ll do to the rest of the country. Atleast he can talk. :bloated: Why not, worked for clinton.

^ rash considering clinton was the best thing that ever happened to this country.

What were to happen… say if the country was ruined?
edit: more than it already is, like total destruction and chaos

Am i missing something on CNN? When did Kenya become part of the United States?

This speech is amazing… what a great night


Obama has relatives in Kenya

You are out-side your fucking mind!