It’s called being realistic. For the first time in many years, we have a president elect that will be honest about what can and can’t be done immediately.

not to be dumb but why is he called the "president elect " is it like that till 1/22/09?

So let me get this straight, you should promise the world then once the votes are in you admit you had unrealistic promises?

I did. I agree with him on most issues and views, I think he will be better for the country than McCain in the grand scheme of things.

He is not the actual President yet.
Some court cases have to be settled first.:wink:

ok so then jan 23 2009 he will be the President … got ya

The girl who sits near me just tried to tell me that Obama hates America and that his wife disrespects the flag, and that he is a terrorist because of his middle name.


Edit: she happens to be a bible thumper as well.

96% of blacks voted for Obama…

Makes me sick to think that part of those votes are from people who JUST wanted to see a black in office, so they voted on that principle alone

I wonder if he’ll be painting the whitehouse a certain color :smiley:

yup, racism at it’s finest

People vote for a variety of reasons, some care about getting out of Iraq. Others didn’t want to vote for someone ignorant to the economy… even more are concerned about the nation’s global image.

Admittedly, there are plenty of people who voted solely because they wanted a “change” from the underwhelming performance the GOP put on over the last 8 years. A president that can articulate his opinions eloquently is something we have not witnessed in 2 terms and while underwhelming, is the basis of some voters. This trait is not unique to dems.

Questioning the motives surrounding democratic voters is rather hilarious considering there are undoubtedly plenty of republican voters that voted solely on something equally as marginal or unrelated to issues, such as on the topics of race or religion. Do they not deserve a facepalm also?

It’s very possible that the people in this thread were simply impressed with the speech of a candidate that they supported, for whatever reason.

If the GOP had won, and someone in this thread commented on Palin being a MILF, would you question their voting decisions and suggest the fate of our country was decided based on a decent rack?

Perhaps it’d just be the reverse, as I’m sure most of us dems would be just as spiteful.

I would certainly be curious how many urban polling stations increased voter turn out and by what %.

I bet it would be an interesting statistic.

Palin was looking great last night.

Can you believe it, NO MORE POOR PEOPLE???
I am over wehlmed by excitement!


I understand how you would see it that way but with the country in the state that its in, it would be unfair to expect him to be able to push his agenda and have everything done within the first year or two.

I still have faith that he will get it done, but realistically speaking I knew it would take time. Good thing he will probably have 8 years to do it.


i got the anti christ will come from the middle east and have a “6” in his name …she said it was obama

They don’t keep voting numbers on white racists but i suspect 96% of them voted for McCain. See: white voters in alabama, south carolina, mississippi.

:rx3: Its ok let it out. :rx3:

is that any worse than people voting against him because of his race?

Edit: Is that any worse than this post pointing this out? Continuing to make it an issue that his skin is a different color?

What about bible thumpers voting blindly?

lol, spiteful would of been the best case scenario. I’m pretty sure a few major cities could of been a very dangerous place for fair skinned people :stuck_out_tongue: