Obama Military / Ordered to be Softer Boot Camp

Basic training is about to get more advanced. And recruits can thank games for that.

In an interview with Lt. Gen. Mark Hertling, NPR reports that the U.S. Army is altering its basic training program for the first time in 20 years, in part to better train recruits weaned on video games.

“This isn’t a decline in our recruits; this is a decline in our American society in terms of their physical capacity,” Hertling told NPR. “It’s just a softer generation.”

Hertling goes on to explain that while new soliders are “advanced in terms of their use of technology,” they’re perhaps “not as advanced in their physical capabilities or ability to go into a fight. So we’re taking that into consideration as well in doing this holistic review of how we do training.”





Ya this is bullshit. Sleeping hours are 9-5am, the longest road march they will do is 6 miles. Thats horse shit when i went threw we were lucky to sleep 4-5 hours a night and only a 6mile road march, When we walked in from our Field problem we marched 22.5 miles in just under 6 hours with all of our gear. With the intensity of the war in Afghanistan the last thing we need to do is make basic training easier.


LOL The best part is that my brother said boot camp wasn’t hard at all when he went 3 years ago. We are going to be a nation of cunts soon.

by that I mean we are a nation of cunts now.


Soon we are going to be just like France…:eek2

Did your brother or myself tell you that i saw him in newburgh a couple months ago at the marine base?

hell yea he did!! small world isn’t it?

fo sho, where were you? It was family day!

another step to turning america into one giant pussy.