Obama voters

Ok I see what you are saying now. That goes to what I said for total #'s not %. I am saying (for simple math) if the total # of blacks who vote this year is 100 then I would be 80 of the votes would be to Obama. Then if total # of white people who vote this year is 1,000 people then I would say maybe 600 would be voting for Obama and 400 would be McCain. Hence % wise.

how the fuck can you not even know who palin is running with?

Most Obama supporters know jack about his voting record. Ask a middle-class white college kid why he/she is voting for Obama. All I’ve been able to get out of them is some Bush bashing “we don’t need more of the same” and some jibberish about change.

Meanwhile, they have no idea of the change he intends to bring.

As a middle class white college kid, let me assure you that you’re making a broad generalization. :wink:

Obama is going to win.

Ron Paul in 2012

I hope to see that

We have to start now. :rofl:

I know a made a broad generalization…but can you really disagree with it?


I’d LOVE to take a cross-section of Obama supporters who are college students, and ask them questions similar to the way the interviewer on Howard Stern did. Asking them questions about his voting record with implied opposite answers, and see if any of them would catch it. It would be good if it were an issue a little less obvious than his running mate, but not grossly obscure either.

It’s not easy to come up with one though, because he directly contradicts himself with certain ones like campaign finance reform.

[ame=“http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=07kO9TtHYzQ”]YouTube - Terry Tate: Reading Is Fundamental[/ame]

Who cares about campaign finance reform? Cry me a river because he can get more money then McStain…


I’m not crying a river about the Republican candidate’s inability to raise campaign funds. Ron Paul was raising more than he was during the primaries. I’m referring to Barry’s statement that he rejects special interest group donations, but then accepting them anyway.

(He used to go by Barry to score chicks, then he saw some girl’s eyes light up when she learned his real name, so he switched back to it.)

it goes both ways… people don’t know shit about McCain either…
they know he’s white, was a POW, backed by the NRA/pro gun, anti abortion
& he’s not a terrorist. :rolleyes:

there are retards on bothsides


Americans are morons, that’s why we keep getting more of the same shit. Nobody reads on their own, they just watch TV and refuse to vote for anyone they don’t see on TV every night because…he’s not going to win!

I don’t know how political elections became horse races, but it’s a sad day for America.

Speaking of which, how can they effectively do their job and also run for the Triple Crown for 2 years? I think these Sen/Gov need to relinquish their positions if they plan to run for President.

Incase you didnt notice, i live in DC.

I was watching CNN today when they said the military favors mccain about 3-1 however, black people in the military favor obama 8/10. does that make any sense?

also here is this link that i was forwarded, rebut it all you want, i dont really care, its the truth. http://hotair.com/archives/2008/10/21/the-comprehensive-argument-against-barack-obama/

there is a whole internet full of “truths” about both candidates. And it’s all BS.

I really cannot wait until this shit is over with.