Obama's Birth Certificate

He has $pent big money to fight it. I wonder why.:gotme:

I guess they don’t care about the Constitution either. Big surprise. Great, so we have our first African President.:smash2: Or is he Indonesian? Whatever, who cares right?

Yeah, that thing’s so uncool.

How long before the new dip shit just burns it up?

He didn’t already? WTF? He promised me to burn that lame old thing the night of the election. He better not renege on the age of Aquarius.

what was the final outcome of this?

Supreme court dumped the case. They couldn’t find 4 judges who thought it was worth reviewing.

call me crazy, but if someone asks for proof like that, shouldn’t it be REQUIRED before swearing in? You can’t even get a driver license without a birth certificate, but president doesn’t matter?

I thought I read that one of his own family members said that he was born in Africa…

IB4watergate type situation

:picard: Are you serious? :zong:

yes, 100% serious…

If everything is legit on his end, why not end the controversy and just show it? He’s obviously got something to hide

I agree, this is something of severe importance that is just looked over. Something doesn’t add up.

sadly I think he is…


fuck people… he has shown it, there is third party confirmation of it… I have also posted the text of the case, which actually used “internet rumor” as a source of information

then why are people still fighting it? I don’t get it…

If anyone can go to the hawaii health department to verify it, then what’s the big deal?

Honestly do you even think they would let him run for president without proof of such, I mean really now…

because people drink the kool-aid

Thats what I’m talking about. It would be pretty retarded if they did

He hasn’t proven anything yet!
Factcheck can bite me.
Why doesn’t he show it?
Why did he spend HUGE money fighting it?
It is fucking bullshit and you know it.

When asked they all just said, “Not my job”.
The Dems should have vetted him and they didn’t.
His Grand mothe rsaid she was there when he was born in Kenya.
African newspapers said African born Obama wins election.

well, if it’s a forged certificate, I’m sure the truth will come out eventually

He will get a fake one when he goes to Hawaii.