oc = sb / show

ocean city = sunburn… spec. when you drive home 6 hours with ur arm out the window… :crying:

On the other hand the show wasn’t to bad, wasn’t to great. I think, just due to your at ocean city and theres bish’s everywhere and ur like f* this. Never seen so many supras in my life, that and wannabe race cars. :greddy: Was fun though because if you didnt like the show your selection of things to do was endless.

no chic pics no care

yeah we just got back, way way to over hyped. We left the show saturday at 2:30 against their wishes. We basically told them tuff shit we’re leaveing. un organized roll in and after seeing the street Pilot X “”“Models”""" I decided I had enough. We ended up at the beach by 3pm, and was drinking JAger by 5:30. I got about 1 hour of funny ass footage of us driving around in Brad’s Evo with Gooch riding shot gun asking people if they like the shocker with one of the big foam ones. I have to go through it again the next couple days then I will see if we can post it up some where…lol

Next year we are taking the truck though. I am also 90% sure I will not have the cav this time next year so I may be loading a bike up in the bed instead.

here are some stills…

yes very over hyped show… nothing to do but sit there… no vendors blah… waste of money…

geah gooch… also to add to the show thing i was taping so0me of the cars after i got about 8 mins of footage i just started taping girls ass’s so will have some oc ass coverage coming.

The second pic of me is the best because it has the stolen sobe in it. I had fun, but it wasn’t because of the car show. I would go back again, but only because it was in ocean city. A lot of pics of cars and even more of ass were taken.

Yeah our pictures will be up tomarrow. Next year we’ll be going again, but it will be in my truck with hopfully a new project bike in the bed.

First official for sale post is up.

I told you bitches not to enter in the actual show. Its a drag to be stuck at the convention center all weekend. Roll through the show, check out the cars, then on to the other awesome shit you can do down here… like getting called into work 3 times on your day off when you specifcally tell your work not to fuck with you because you have friends in town and you havent had a day off (let alone a day under 12 hours) in 3 weeks.

I was at the show for maybe total of an hour, never went inside, it was nice out for once, enjoyed the beech and other fun stuff instead. haha.

yeah I think I drove past you when you were standing in the median trying to cross right by McDonalds on Saturday. But then again it might have been some other 8’ tall dude that looked like you.

well just got to work, i have to say I had one of the best weekends in a loooong time… friday night was a blast, we got wreck dieseled and we were only a 5 second walk from our hotel. it was a blast! gina was happy she got the beach, i was happy i got cars, beach and booze!

hey fucker I thought you were’t coming down till saturday then leaving today :dunno:

werd. Friday night rocked. Most fun ive had in months. :hs:

Our picture are up now.


took you long enough

Not really… would’ve put them up Saturday night or something, but the hotel password protected their wireless network. :mad:

good work on the pics :weak: - I saw ugly cars and ugly girls

sorry there were no POS rusted out fords there for your enjoyment.

damn, i was hoping for a few old trucks and hillbilly women, maybe next year :x: