Occupy Wallstreet

That has to be the most fundamentally wrong statement in the entire thread. This is American and citizens have the right to protest what ever they want whenever they want also long as it isn’t violent(yes there are a couple more restrictions but w.e.). Also corporations don’t create domestic jobs they typically offshore them. Majority of job creation is small business then government. Don’t believe me look a Schenectady after Jack Welch(CEO G.E.) decided cheap labor is the way to go and sent all the manufacturing jobs to China. Either which way these individuals aren’t happy with the way the country is being run so they are protesting. If they are setting fire to stuff in the streets and throwing rocks at the cops there is no reason for them to be arrested. If your really that nieve to think that important policy decissions aren’t steering in some way shape or form by the richest 1% of the nation then your nuts.

BTW I agree w/ KBB solution is buy more guns and ammo