Occupy Wallstreet

Stop working for companies that have political initiatives over fair compensation for their employees; bottom to top. When you go on interviews you should be asking as many questions about the company as they are towards you. As not get get a job and feel like it owns you and you cant get out.

I can tell you one company I know of in the capital region, which makes MILLIONS a year. They are a solid foundation, and not going anywhere. They produce something that is NEEDED, not wanted. Their bottom of the barrel guy, “working his balls off” make twice what you are apparently making, with no college degree. This is a job that requires a skill. If you got it, they will see it and give you a chance. If you suck, good by. If you are good, her is your paycheck until you want to leave. And its not a who you know place, you can get hired by them out of Capital Area Help Wanted!

Those companies are hard to find, I understand that. BUT, they are one example of a dying trend in the big business society. Sad to say it.