For all of those who say “get a better job” you do realize that he won’t likely be working harder for more money if he does, right?
Some of the hardest working people and some of the worst jobs are some of the least paying jobs.
Typically the more you make the less work you do.
I’ve worked my ass off since I was 16 working all sorts of jobs through the time, fast food, paintball fields, gas station attendant, constructions and right now I have a job which pays me a healthy amount more than any of those but is by no means harder physically or even mentally. Right now some of my coworkers who complain about this job have been in it for so long they forgot what honest hard labor fills like and they would never survive in the real world, which is why many commute from an hour+ away to keep working the same job in the same industry.
Don’t ever mistake a low paying job with an easy job.
Typically you break the cycle by knowing somebody who will get you in somewhere. Or kissing enough ass to the management for them to like you more than the rest. Hanging out with them in personal time, drinking with them etc .
again, the more places that break THAT cycle right there, will be the companies that BREAK the cycle AKA the downward spiral the united states is riding as we type! :rofl