Occupy Wallstreet

You’re really going nowhere with that. There is no risk as the performance is rarely job dependent, maybe they won’t meet their new bonus this year but fuck it, according to your logic why the hell would you even go after the bonus if it’s only going to be heavily taxed and there is a lot more work and responsibility involved in meeting those goals?

No you’re wrong especially once you start considering the bailed out businesses wasting my money away.

AIG : post bailout

$86,000 hunting trip:

“This was an annual event for customers of the AIG property casualty insurance companies in the U.K. and Europe, and planned months before the Federal Reserve Bank of New York’s loan to AIG,” company spokesman Peter Tulupman said Wednesday.


How about the half million dollar party?

And here is the rest of my tax payers money

86% Bailout Cash Used For CEO Bonuses!

Reward for hard work? They are collecting and living off government money. Remind you of welfare people in suits and BMW’s doesnt it?

And I don’t want to hear anything about it being part of the contract, if that money isn’t going to good business use then it shouldn’t be given at all. Rewarding failure is not a good use.

See above. Why not just work at McDonalds? According to your logic you would have no responsibility and low tax. Great life!

Not impossible to compete? Go smoke some more of whatever you’re sniffing. If a company according to your logic will do whatever it takes to make a profit, such as going to another country it always will. It is IMPOSSIBLE for any business in US to be able to price match cheap Indian and Chienese labor.

You want me to bring up quotes about people who voted for Bush who couldn’t wait for him to nuke the Middle East? How is that an argument. Welfare stays because people make money off it, period.

At the end of the day we agree that the government has a spending program and not all welfare recipients are created equal. Testing should be stricter such as drug testing and it should be quite a bit limited time wise.

You make it seem like businesses are innocent little things that should be left alone. Well until they stop lobbying and pressuring the government to keep maximizing their profits they aren’t innocent and it is my business not to mention destruction of small business and mom and pop stores by the conglomerates.

Here I’ll leave you with this

and this

The Pentagon just gave Lockheed Martin $24 million, atop the billions they’ve already received,

So why keep the F-22? Politics and money. Surprise! Each time one of the clipped-wing superbaubles is constructed, it taps workers in 44 states across the country. That’s 44 sets of legislators with a cruise missile pointed up their asses to keep those workers working, and to justify the Air Force’s mission to defend the skies. From what? I do not know. But this isn’t likely to change anytime soon—if ever. It’s just the way things work. The weapons industry trumps any rationality of the country those weapons are labeled to defend. It’s self-propagating, self-justifying, entirely an end in itself.