Occupy Wallstreet

Stop speaking as if you know what CEO does because of what NBC says. What are you talking about? How is performance not job dependent? So if a store manager bankrupts a store they keep the store manager? What planet are you from? Some CEO’s are lazy and worthless sure, that doesn’t mean every supervisor does the same thing. A job is dependant on nothing more than the performance of the company is nearly every case.

No you’re wrong especially once you start considering the bailed out businesses wasting my money away.

AIG : post bailout

So, becuase the government chooses to give companies money…you can now run the company? No, don’t vote for politicians who would support such a ridiculous idea.


](http://www.mytwodollars.com/2008/10/17/aig-execs-caught-wasting-even-more-of-our-money-after-bailout/)http://www.mytwodollars.com/2008/10/17/aig-execs-caught-wasting-even-more-of-our-money-after-bailout/How about the half million dollar party?government – Orange County RegisterAnd here is the rest of my tax payers moneyShock!! 86% Bailout Cash Used For CEO Bonuses! | Suzie-Que's Truth and Justice Blog[Reward for hard work? They are collecting and living off government money. Remind you of welfare people in suits and BMW’s doesnt it?

And I don’t want to hear anything about it being part of the contract, if that money isn’t going to good business use then it shouldn’t be given at all. Rewarding failure is not a good use.

Then stop voting for liberal politicians including Republicans who involve themselves in these types of absurd behaviors.

See above. Why not just work at McDonalds? According to your logic you would have no responsibility and low tax. Great life!

I don’t see what your saying. According to my logic it isn’t worth doing significantly more work, getting a massive raise, and seeing 10 percent in Net income. I never said making 12,000 dollars a year full time pretax was a great life.

Not impossible to compete? Go smoke some more of whatever you’re sniffing. If a company according to your logic will do whatever it takes to make a profit, such as going to another country it always will. It is IMPOSSIBLE for any business in US to be able to price match cheap Indian and Chienese labor.

I see you complaining about that problem alot but the only solution i see from you, tax them more which is exactly counterproductive.

…labor is not the only way to incentivise something. Import tariffs could be used, less taxes, less liberal nonsense regulations could allow companies to streamline prodcution processes without all the beurocracy saving them more money, ect. Or we could do the liberal thing and tax them even more so when they lay off more people they can’t afford, we can pay for their welfare…

You want me to bring up quotes about people who voted for Bush who couldn’t wait for him to nuke the Middle East? How is that an argument. Welfare stays because people make money off it, period.

You could bring quotes up about nuking the middle east, but i dunno how that would further your argument on the issue that people vote for welfare…that just means people also vote for dropping a nuke…irrelevant…
Welfare is supported and expanded to reach more people because for the most part, if a voter knows they are going to be getting money, or assistance without needing to work for it, they support it and also the candidate proposing it. Sure people make money off it too but from a politicians point of veiw its a vote grabber.

At the end of the day we agree that the government has a spending program and not all welfare recipients are created equal. Testing should be stricter such as drug testing and it should be quite a bit limited time wise.

Drug testing, time line, repeated or violent felonies, ect and reinstitute capital punishment across the country is a step in the right direction to counteract the big bad criminals who will be “forced” to break the law because of their awful situations. Further, if a person walks a mile and a half to the social services building to get their welfare check…they can be given a nonskilled job such as cleaning the streets/washing graffiti/hand digging roads for all, 40 hours a week, before they get their check

You make it seem like businesses are innocent little things that should be left alone. Well until they stop lobbying and pressuring the government to keep maximizing their profits they aren’t innocent and it is my business not to mention destruction of small business and mom and pop stores by the conglomerates.

Sure you can have an opinion but you have no right to tell a private business (whether traded publicly or not) how to run their business. If they break a law, they should charged. Otherwise let them fail and if you don’t like them don’t support or invest in them. If you don’t like that the gov’t gives them money, vote for those who wont. There are ways for small business to be succesful even aginst the largest corporations, especially in this age of technology which makes product, vendors, and information readily available.

Here I’ll leave you with this
Barton Biggs: Austerity Is a Big Mistake

and this

The sad odyssey of the F-22: America's big broken toy

What do you mean protect from who? Anyone else! There is no war going on right now between super powers. However, what happens when in 20 years we go to war with…Russia, China, whoever, and we havn’t continued to innovate, build, and put up to date weapons in service? We get crushed using f-20’s when other countries are using more advanced weaponry.