Occupy Wallstreet

you are missing the point, it’s not “poor innocent companies”

I also did not say companies should be left alone, because certain ones shouldn’t, and I didn’t say it’s just the President’s Fault, although he does play a large influence in the decision making process.

What you are missing is that when people say tax the rich, you are also taxing the shit out of small businesses everywhere. Most small business are run as a form of LLC or S-corporation, so the taxes are done through the individual. The government whether it be through taxation or healthcare reforms, are smothering small business. We built this country on free will and capitalism. Capatalism gives you the right to go out, start a business, and make as much money as you can…without Government interference. But today, with all of the social welfare programs we provide, what incentive do you have to do that? America is taking a very dangerous socialist turn that could ruin this country.

That being said, you are right, let’s just pay people more, tax them more, and everything will be fair and equal for everybody