Occupy Wallstreet

Thank you.

Also, some food for thought I suppose.

  1. You want businesses to get taxed on money it makes overseas. So you want them to be double taxed because I’m sure they’re paying taxes to countries where their products are sold and where they employ people.

  2. A business’s main goal is simple, but some like to make it seem more complicated. That goal is to make money. That’s it. So if a company chooses to go to another country where the tax rate is lower in order to make more money, doesn’t that go with their goal? If I wanted to make as much money as possible, I wouldn’t want to do it in a state, or country, that taxes more than almost anyone else.

It’s easy to look at things from a citizen’s point of view. Not so easy when you’re looking at it from a $1B+ profit a year business with thousands of employees (each one whom you have to pay taxes for and provide benefits to), all costs associated with the manufacturing and/or service, satisfying shareholders wants, AND still trying to make money.

So you bail out of a country that buys majority of your goods and allowed you to be a startup to begin with, lay everybody off and still yell “abuse, I’m a job creator!!”

Yeah, overseas.

Your responses to me seem to be pointed at other people… I didn’t mention anything about abuse because they’re a job creator… I simply said they’re going to go where they have the greatest ability to make profit, which is a company’s goal.
You want these companies to continue on in America hiring American workers and paying American taxes, just because America has most of their clientele? Spend more money to make the same amount… Or spend less money… I think I’d go with the latter. You know, if I was a corporation.

Well your logic is sound and that is why its happening.

However that simply fucks us and US. If nothing else we need to bring manufacturing back here.

Hopefully Chinas bubble will bust and it won’t be that beneficial to manufacture there.

Otherwise America will just become an empty bubble that will collapse on itself as it seems to be doing.

Upstate, the figures you talked about almost sound like a recent tech innovation contract that was passed last week with state funding. You didnt happen to be a part of that did you?

China will be going through the same stuff we are. Their working class is about to rise up against the exploitative nature of their corporations.

If the government didn’t spend so much and believe in the outrageous taxes they bestow upon corporations, maybe the corporations would have more incentive to move back here and give more Americans jobs. Businesses won’t do it on their own, they need an actual reason to move all of their labor needs to America without straying away from their goal of making money. The only way I could foresee this happening is if the US government decides to tax corporations (all businesses really) competitively with the other countries.

As Upstate said, it is a global economy and countries are competing against each other for these corporations, but the US seems to continue to think “we’re the US of fucking A, these companies will stick by us no matter how much we sodomize them with taxes.” The US needs to get its head out of its ass and realize the same things that their citizens and these companies realize, and that is if there are no real benefits for the company to be here to do all of it’s operations, then they will continue to do so in other countries.

No, that one was above my pay grade. I’ve worked smaller deals for internet retailers, pharmaceutical companies and a traveling circus.

Basic manufacturing jobs are not coming back to the US. We need to accept that and move on. Prevailing wage rates and unions have assured us of that. What NY is doing right now and investing in tech companies is a smart move and will prove to be the next wave of manufacturing.

If you think taxes are the only thing thats what’s keeping these companies away, I suggest you look deeper into the issue. Other countries have high taxes as well, work force is a huge aspect of it, along with lack of regulation, safety, pollution, ease of bribes etc.

Upstate: we can get manufacturing jobs back, Kia/Hyundai build plants here, BMW build a plant for their X3, NY is building tech manufacturing such as Global Foundries in Malta etc.

The problem with the protesting is that these fucking people have too much time on their hands. Go fucking look for a job instead of collecting unemployment and all of the benefits. If they had a job, the protests wouldn’t be happening.

I don’t even want to hear that there is no jobs available… How many mexican bums do you see in the u.s.?

BMW built a plant for their X3/X5/X6 models, no Ms.

I have looked deeply into the issue, and taxes are the main concern for these companies.

The only one higher than US (combined) is Japan, but we’re among the lowest for families with only a single income.


There’s a table showing the US compared to a few other countries randomly picked but about the same distance apart from each other on the graph so you can see about where they rank.

Japan - 39.5%
US - 39.2%
UK - 28%
Switzerland - 21.2%
Ireland - 12.5%

Switzerland is also prolly the cleanest country out of the five I listed, based on pollution, with the US most definitely one of the dirtiest.

Ease of bribes you can’t even mentioned because it’s illegal activity and can not really be measured. Is that the Russian in you coming out? lol

If you look above my ninja edit to make it X3 is before your post telling me that :tongue

And by your own logic, why would they come back here even if the tax becomes competitive when it’s still cheaper to employ people there and not deal with regulations?

Them being a for profit business they will go else where no matter the tax rate.

Also, which countries do the companies go? It’s not just the ones that have cheapest tax, plenty of other variables involved.

dam look at the personal income tax rate of other countries compared to ours, and most on that list have healthcare.

Hmm, yes… numbers, politics, percentage, taxes…

Yes, quite.


Liberals suck,conservatives rule, RedWGN’S black and thinks hes cool.


Why Occupy Wallstreet? Because no job.

okay, im real sorry if you took my whole post and thought it had anything to do with what was going on this thread… but it didnt really… i mean … i didnt read anything i Just posted.

Those are just the thoughts I have on a daily basis… nothign particular to the thread.

HOWEVER you said some REAL WHACK FUCKING SHIT lol in that post of yours. Its all good tho, I’m not hear to argue with anyone.

Just to make it clear tho, working hard and working smart are two different things and if all you’re doing is working hard mad hours a week. I’m sorry. Its capitalism dude… be smarter than trading hours for dollars. BUT don’t blame it “on the system” because you’re working hella hard and are broke as fuck. I’m broke as a sun of a bitch but I understand why and im not regreting anything. Not saying I plan to stay this way but I wouldnt live in any other country if I could.

Dude, lol. No.

Wow are you human? This is too good to be true, somebody ITT has comon sense. Its a BOT.

Vlad, 90% of people suck ass and are retarded as hell. No one told them they HAVE to have a boss. Its america they can all work for themselves if they want to.


So good for them, but its gay as fuck if they are gonna bitch about people doing it better.

Yep, and those ‘unions’ are fucking up our country. Send them to communism camps on mars.

Exactly, fuck this protesting SHIT. Get the fuck to work you mother fucking ******* !

ugh…why do i keep opening this thread.

btw…not everyone down there is unemployed, plenty of people go down there on the days off because they agree and there is way more then one reason why this is happening. please do yourself a favor and go actually do some research on it.

No, I said some real deal shit. The only part that’s whack about it is, is the fact that it’s true. There is something called the “cycle of poverty,” look into it. There are many people that can not get out of their situation, and it’s due to the system they were placed in. Let’s compare it to the caste system, because basically, that’s what it is. America ain’t some mutha fuckin apple pie that it’s made out to be. If you’re blind to this, I’m sorry.

Our standard of living has gone down the tubes, our money and savings is being depleted due to inflation, companies are going overseas for cheap labor and the ability to exploit the natural resources and dump toxins in foreign countries. Corporations are now considered people, but without the repercussions of doing illegal activities. Bankers, and wall street is getting bailed out by billions of our tax dollars, and yet this so called “class warfare” is due to the poor. Meanwhile, this was all caused by the creation of the Federal Reserve in 1913, the FIAT currency system set in place by Nixon, the deregulation of the financial sector by Reagan.

FUCK THAT, blame the people who got us in this mess. It sure wasn’t the poor, lower-middle class or the public sector employes. It was the greedy fucking cocksmiths on Wall St.