Occupy Wallstreet

wilkum :slight_smile: Peace out

Just because information/opinions are presented in a form of comedy you’re writing the information off entirely?

I’m not sure if you watch any episodes but the “legit” news sources are more of a clusterfuck of misinformation, hippocratic views and mixed messages then a daily show.

I guess no review or opinion on Top Gear should ever count as valid either, since after all it’s a comedy show and the guys clearly don’t know what they are doing/talking about.

Critiquing something just by saying that it’s bad, without giving any actual facts as to why it’s bad, prove of it or constructive criticism is most useless piece you can possibly post in an argument.




What legit news sources?


Name one u think is legit?

Opinions should not be formed from news sources more often than not,when the topic is politics.

What was Steve Jobs great quote again? You cant connect the dots looking forward… you can only connect them looking backwords…

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see how all major news sources are full of inadequate and sometimes just reshaped information.

Either you get it or you don’t. Those that don’t , often complain. Sometimes its most fun to complain a group or mob, and misery likes company, just as much as love does.

One reason you don’t see those on The Daily Show is because there is ONE person reporting the “news”.

The Daily Show



Would you rather just have me quote the content without citing it?

Or how about just critique without stating your own opinion presenting the opposite view.

You guys seem to be pretty good at that.

It has nothing to do with opposing views.
It has everything to do with you citing your only news source as a comedy show wrapped around political satire.

My new news source: political cartoons in the Gazette.

And a super liberal one at that

Please explain to me why a political satires and even cartoons carry less weight than the propaganda and bias in other news sources.

Is that a serious question?

Sure, humor me.

Even Satire has an agenda … you do know that, so the source still matters.

Satire makes the liberal pill that much easier to swallow plus the uneducated pass what they hear from such sources as fact either to be trendy or because they’re too stupid to form their own opinion or both.

Apparently some people are missing that point.

Political satires are often aimed at the common man by making fun of the government and it’s fails and downfalls. By existence it’s reminding you that we still live in a free democratic society.

While yes satires tend to stray Liberal that doesn’t stop them from criticizing parties and members that are seen as liberal.

Satires played an important role through out modern history. While single handedly they never had a direct impact, indirectly they helped make history what it is today. Ben Franklin is credited with the first American satire.

But yeah, it’s ridiculous to interpet the message so lets ignore it all together and go back to unbiased sources such as Fox. Bigots will do as they please with ignorance.

the same can be said about faux news and sources like the heritage foundation.

I would, and may later, argue each one of the sentences.

Which is why people should educate themselves and form their own opinions rather than borrowing someone elses.