Occupy Wallstreet

In times of need, dumb people aren’t.

that includes you

Joke is on you, I’ve been on both sides of the coin and supervision/management or promotions just about always make job easier.

Read again, besides I specifically said, physical labor even though I will gladly argue that it’s both.

How many people you know that took promotions but then asked to get demoted because it was too much more work.

I don\'t think you know shit about being a worker. I mean a true laborer who has to get up early in the morning and work his balls off for shitty wages. I don't think you know how it feels to be dicked around by managers who don't give a fuck about you or your situation and you can't do shit because you have no power or a union.

While I don’t always agree with Jammer and love a good argument, you’re not going to get far attacking him like that, especially considering you’re making assumptions without knowing the guy.

Never assume.

Its very easy to assume… guy is 100% anti union. The fucking shit I have put up with in my company because I don\'t have a union is ridiculous.

edit… Ive put in my time, worked hard for little money, long and shitty hours. Where is my success? I thought thats all you need to do… just work hard and good things will come right?

^ now that’s a better argument.

Get a better job. /thread

Yea, sounds like you need to get a better job. Can’t blame anyone but yourself for that.

Unions may have help build this country, but they sure are helping destroy it now.

Yea I said it.

So because he doesn’t like unions, that makes him someone who doesn’t work hard? Holy ignorance, no wonder why you fucking hate your job and aren’t successful. You sound just as ignorant as any of the people “occupying” Wall St.

  1. Get a better job.
  2. Quit your current job.
  3. Work your ass off some more w/ a different boss.
  4. Get promoted over time. Not on your 2nd week of working there.
  5. Profit.

I don’t hate my job and I don’t hate working. I just hate the people who are above me. Seems like the overwhelming answer is to just “get a better job.” Is it really just that simple? And if I sound just as ignorant as the people on occupy wall street, is jammer not ignorant for believing that anybody with a SINGLE liberal thought needs to be banished from this country?


and no, he’s not

Since when does it matter how much physical labor someone does? Supervisors make more because they not only have to bare responsibility of their actions but now they are responsible for all those underneath them.
- severance packages from private corporations to ceo’s are none of mine or your business. They are private for a reason. If you don’t support the way they do business don’t purchase their products, and don’t invest in them. They are private not public somehow becuase government in general has gotten so big people think they have the right to tell anyone what to do. It’s up to shareholders/board of directors to decide what goes on within a company not the general public.

Again, supervisors are there to supervise. They are supposed to boss you around thats their job. Instead of being butt hurt over pride how bout you just become a superviros so you can make more and can boss people around.

It’s not valid example if it isn’t based on real world numbers. You making up numbers to support an economic policy that are not realistic in anyway, nor is the scenario makes the argument irreevant. I think we should just give everyone a million dollars, cut the price of everthing in half and have no inflation while were at it. That would solve the problems with the economy but unfortunatly since it isn’t possible its also irrelevant.

The overseas jobs argument is ridiculous.Again, this is another example of how liberals think they have the right to tell anyone and anything how they should behave…A business owes you or I exactly nothing. They are in BUSINESS to do one thing, make money for themselves and their shareholders. It is not the responsibility of business to worry about how shipping jobs to countries with better margins effects the United States economy. Its the responsibility of the United States to make an economic climate such that businesses want to come here. Blame the government who is supposed to be looking out for you. Don’t blame the business who never claimed to be.

Welfare exists because it gets votes. End of story.

I think welfare should be competley overhauled. It should have short limits for a lifetime unless you are actually disabled in some way. All those who are on welfare are drug tested randomly, they do some sort of labor to EARN their welfare money, they can only be on it for a year max for their whole lives, any crime convictions while on welfare makes you immediatly get removed. Once on welfare you can’t have kids until your cleared by CPS that you have the longterm means to care for children. Sure crime would surge initially but it would go down when people started working for a living.

Again… is it just that easy? Yahhhhh just become a supervisor… Im going to go into work and say guess what guys, I'm a supervisor now. Does everyone get to just become a supervisor?

Everyone's answer for the bottom of the barrel working man is to just work harder and make shit happen for yourself. Let me ask you guys. If every person did that… who would be there to work at mcdonalds, walmart, target, ect? The country needs people in the those positions, the problem is no one wants to pay them a livable wage.

agreed. +rep

Want to give reasons why or is it just because you feel the same way?

unions = :rofl

Want to know why your job sucks, and you hate the people above you? becasue you, like me, are disgusted by people in better jobs than us, making more money than us, doing effectively less “work”, and not becasue they “earned” it.

Thank Unions for this.

Since they made it a secret society of workers, and made it “hard” to get into their club, they made it seem like a high and mighty place to be. Contract signed to a Union and they are in. Vast majority sit back and watch the select few Union workers that still take pride in exchanging labor for food on the table.

Its just like highschool all over again. The cool kids lean up against the lockers in the hallway and bully the lackeys around to get what they want. Everyone want to be like them, once they are selected they too follow like sheep in a herd.

To make the never ending cycle worse, all it take is elevated greed and a way to get that contract signed to keep the cycle going. When things dont go their way, and they are still under contract they strike and get away with it becasue they have a strangle hold on the production. And they hang themselves when they need to also. Just becasue you are in, doesn’t mean you cant be walked over. Look into the NYS & PEF contract news. I am glad they are finally starting to see why the unions are killing the state. A good friend of mine was put on the chopping block from that, one of the few that actually got things accomplished when they needed to be. While the rest literally slept at their desks.

It all boils down to finding WORTH in jobs and what ever type of labor is involved in them. Get rid of the do-nothings. Let them starve their families, I could care less. Make production worth something again. Make the jobs worth getting up to go complete again. Make diplomas in college a challenge again. END the “work less get paid more” mentality and watch the “middle class” survivors rise to the top again.

Oh man I can have a field day with you.

How much physical labor somebody does, always matters when talking about working hard. I’ve been on both sides and having more responsibility doesn’t make you “work harder”. A guy in a warehouse having to move 10,000 pounds of shit a night will work his ass off during the night while the supervisor won’t. Since when is “being responsible” work?

They are public business because they are a public company as anybody can become a shareholder and it’s open market. If a company is going to waste money on contracts that don’t reward hard work from it’s CEO’s and punish lazy and unsuccesfull CEO’s I’ll want nothing to do with that company. I’m sure none of the shareholders agree with those contracts either, but clearly they have no voice in the matter, it’s up to the board.

Again, it’s an easy ass job. I’ve been there.

You are just something else aren’t you. Fine it’s not real world numbers, lets use some real world examples. You said you wouldn’t take a promotion that paid more because you have to work harder? Then you have no right to tell others to work harder or get a better job. You wouldn’t take a promotion if it came to you? You’d get paid more and you would be taxed more. Just like in my example :facepalm

Another examples of how conservatives are ignorant. It is impossible for US to price match overseas jobs for the same labor. You aren’t going to have people working here to make $10 a day or kids making shoes and Tshirts in sweatshops all day for $5. Get the fuck out of here.

I don’t remember last time I voted for welfare. Do you? Welfare get’s voted on by people in power who can’t seem to pass any other bill worth a shit that makes any financial sense. People in power vote for welfare because of lobbyists and direct other interests of people who make money off it and encourage the voting for it. End of story.

Partially agree. However you don’t understand what happens when people are removed from welfare. They aren’t just going to go on the street and die or “stay quiet” about it. People will do anything to survive in desperate times. You know what the easiest and popular job over seas that requires no education and pays very well? Criminal activity. This is why gangs are more predominant and mafia is more popular the poorer people get. A guy in wealth pays pretty good money by finding people with nothing else to lose.

For the record, I’m anti-union as well.

Progression in jobs is the key to changing this place. You start at the bottom, and work your way up. Sorry but people trying to make a living on Mc Donalds wages, put the brakes on their progression train a long time ago! hard times or not, ANYONE can make themselves better if they try. Take a damn good look at the OLDER (see over 20) people working those jobs. you graduate highschool at 16/17. thats 4 years to get the fuck out of a Mc Donalds uniform. Hell even if you dont complete college, you can rack up experience and get an entry level career if you tried. Those jobs are there to provide stepping stones for people willing to travel over them. They are and were NOT intended to provide a healthy living.

And its the people who rush through college, get a diploma paid for by the government (10 trillion in student loans this year alone) who think they DIVERSE a position midway up the barrel becasue of it. Then whey they “Job market is soooo hard to find a job with my new fancy masters in business administration”, they quit looking and give up becasue most are un-willing to settle for an entry level job they think their diploma says they are over-qualified for.

ONCE AGAIN, it all boils down to taking pride in your work and following the natural progression up the food chain of hard work = valuable return.

Not always, on more than one occasion I’ve seen people promoted just because nobody wanted/could fire them and they were so terrible and lazy that the boss or the coworkers didn’t want to deal with the person.

So they promote him/her to a different department or a different store.

The theory isn’t work hard, it never was it’s work smart and play you cards right.

Hard work means nothing if nobody notices it.