Ocean City sucks Kolar's 3rd testicle.

PeRhApS iF YoUr NaMe WaSnT TyPeD LiKe tHe ElEmEnTaRy GiRlZ yOu TrY tO fUcK i wOuLd CaRe wHaT ThE fUcK yOu HaVe tO sAy.

I’ll fold you biotch.


this thread blows

this thread rules!

I love ocean city

Canadians :kekegay:

finally someone gets it! You can always count on the Shagster to pick up on some subtle racism!

yes, I hear it’s nice down there!

Im from Canada WTF???

I call them “mondays” because nobody likes mondays

you suck at things on the dl. I guess can finally tell you that mum and pops were indeed brother and sister and your the son of the village idiot. unknown whereabouts, word is he works at wally world as the custodian. yins do have a thing in common, he owns a cherry 83 vette.

once again, I have no fucking idea what you’re talking about.

bacon bit

what’s the point of making racist comments if no one appreciates them? :kekegay:

now you just done fucked up a incredibility good word