Ocean City sucks Kolar's 3rd testicle.

There is nowhere within a 2 hour drive of here that sells hockey pucks. This is a fucking abomination. The Canadian that answered the phone at Dick’s actually laughed at me when I asked if they had them in stock.

faggot ass state.

Epic thread

Truth. Ocean City sucks by ballsack…that fucking bay bridge traffic I sat in last week when guy flipped his truck over the bridge not to mention the trash that crawls around down in that shit hole.

:rofl: @ you for getting stuck in that shit.

At least it was worth it, as the rest of the bums in my car slept I sat for 3 hours driving wondering what the fuck it could’ve been. I can’t believe that was the first time anyone had went over the bridge into the water, pretty hard to believe.

that asshole is an insult to canadiens everywhere, canadiens should be required to carry atleast 2 hockey pucks on them at ALL TIMES.

This thread sucks

I agree


I chuckled at this.

You tryin’ to get a pickup game together at the Carousel? That’s the only rink I know of there…

he wasnt actually canadian you dumb fuck. he was “canadian”.

sweet! buttplugs


Trying to get a floor jack under your car? haha.


good idea for the vette.

WTF how do you use those to get a jack under a vette?

you need a special adapter to put jackstands under a C5. the fiberglass rocker panels obviously cannot support that much weight so there are tabs up behind them that attatch to the frame that you need a special lift puck to utilize, or you can make your own with the pucks. of course, this car was most obviously dealt with by fucktards that did not feel like looking into why exactly there are no jack tabs on the rockers snd just go right ahead and pick a spot and lift… ill post pics. if someone gave me my car back looking like this i would gut them in front of their children with a shiv fashioned by 1320 of his own pubic hair.

why his? you could just pull your shit covered ones out of his ass

ahhh i get it, i misinterpreted. So what you’re saying is, he was just another worthless monday? or more like a dirty hotdog?