Oct. 28 - Operation"FINALE" by DriftOps - REGISTRA

^^ fank you velly muchhhhh

Hey, since its near the end of October, who wants to make this a costume-drifting party!?!

Wayne, back me up here, I know how much you love to dress up! 8)

Good suggestion going out to the man in the straw-hat!

LOL Chris…sounds like awsome idea. I already know what Im goina wear…the photos from that day should be awsome…haha!

S1DC is obviously going to show up in suits! =) that was pure awsome

guys want to set up a convoy ?? get some sweet pictures and video footage?

D-OPS will be at the west end meet to collect payments for Oct. 28!


LOL…the challenge is on!

Je m’appel drifting dans le Shannonville and j’aime pomme de terre.

yeah thats right, I used to teach french.

well i understand you like potatoes, but your name is drifting in the shannonville?

je suis un pomme de terre et j’aime drifting shannonville

i am a potatoe? and i like drifting shannonville… XD
Well, spectating is free right? Then count on me bringing a carload (or as many guys will fit into my 01 golf) for the 1-2 hour ride. Is there a convoy going up? cause this will be my first time to shannonville. So a little follow the leader would help alot.


spectating i free, unless you want food, $5 i think for the BBQ, there will be a convoy going, i assume we’ll meet at leslie and 16th again

Oh thats great, thats like… a 5 minute drive from my place. Maybe if i’m lucky i wont be pulling a golf. Well, if i’m towing 4 extra guys in the car… a 240 isnt much of an improvement over a golf XD. In fact i think its even worse.


this time guys lets try to do 100 km/h not 180 km/h COUGH COUGH MR 350z

What happened last time? Did someone run from the convoy? Or did the entire pack run at 180?

what? I wasn’t going 180… :roll:

I was going… um… ***km/h =)


no there weree a coupel of differnt convoys.

Its bad news to be going 180… i was doing 190 going north on the 400 to majormack… went to fast, missed the exit, had to call my gf to apologize forending up in missisauga and that i would be late cause i drove too fast.

i promise i’ll try not to get pulled over again in this convoy.

I like potatoes.