Oct 5th CSCS Video- Black S14, Candy S2000

Sick Vid, i recognize that S2k too, its got a widebody kit and a mugen hard top, its a mean ass ride, great driving too man haha

lol, sg.

i know that tandems are allowed…what i meant was that if you plan on doing tandems then you’re taking quite a risk that concerns your and other driver’s safety…

thats the joy, you get as close as you can. if there was no risk involved then anyone would do it…Its For the Crazy people!

just like skydiving, not everyone will do it but everyone wants to.

i guess you proved me wrong on that one lol…

We do have a tech, although we have been letting a bit to much slide.

As for tandem we do a two car gap in tandem and our rules are designed differently then a serious such as DMCC. You CANNOT pass, you pass you are disqualified. You are expected to keep a two car gap but if this space increases you are not penalized.

The idea of our tandem is to give drivers the feel of competing heads up and seeing what there competitor is doing. It is no for door to door drifting. Without cages that is way to dangerous