off-road driving lights and fuses

OOOOOK…so i did the roof lights today. all i gotta say is WOW!. i started at about 3, and everything went really smooth, tapped right into the power wire on the switch and thought all was good. that was at about 5. i spent the next 4 hours trying to figure out a wiring nightmare. i thoguh, “wiring 5 lights in a series, gounded to the body by the screws that hold them on the roof, no big deal, right” well…i was wrong. very wrong. 3 would light, 2 wouldnt, 4 woul;d light, one wouldnt, ect. so finally i get the the whole rig working, go to start it up, and nothing. if figure 'ok, ive had the light on and of and had both doors hangin wide open for 6 hours or so with the dome light on, i prob killed the battery." so i try jumping it, nothing. so, while praying to god, i drive to walmart to pick up a new battery, thinking how screwed im gonna be if its more than a battery, cuz im next to broke. so i come home, pull out the old batter, clean up the disgusting ammount of crusted battery acid all over the abttery tray and its surrounding areas, and then hook up the new battery. i get in, say one final prayer, and wouldnt ya kno it? that bitch fired right up! so as a final test, its now raining, so we’re gonna see if it leaks or not. so now i got some sweet ass running lights a new batter (which could have been a blessing in disguise)

EDIT: i jsut now realized that its friday the 13th…should have waitied for this project for another day perhaps? lol

so now im off to take a nice shower, just thought id check in so ya’ll could see how the project went

relays are your friend!!!

that import rtv will seal damn near anything, I realize its too late…

well, the good news is, it snowed/melted the day after, and it raied like crazy today, and no leaks. bad news is, one of the lights just magically stopped working. so im gonna have to rip it all apart and investigate. ::sigh::