Off to Asia i go again


am i the only one that always reads that as “mai tai” whenever someone mentions it?
then i think, how tough could bitchdrink fighting be, seriously


lol i train in muay thai i can show ya

leavin in 45 min… peaceeeeeeeee


am i the only one that always reads that as “mai tai” whenever someone mentions it?
then i think, how tough could bitchdrink fighting be, seriously


I suppose that could hurt if it got whipped at your head. :gotme:

EDIT: Or you could get stabbed by the umbrella…


in for pic updates. have a good trip!

i called him a little while ago…

he is bringing me home some sweet presents!!!

in the chicago airport, pizza sux here thats for sure, and of course when i saw “buffalo wings” i gave the buffalonian “pshhaa whatever” and moved along

^^the pizza sucked in detroit too when i was just there. oh well

Yeah NEVER eat the pizza in the Chicago or Detroit airports…

When I was in Detriot I ordered 2 slices from this place… and the girl asked me if I wanted 2 boxes. I told her no, so she put my 2 slices into the box ‘69’ style; cheese-to-cheese. I had one hell of a time trying to eat that greasy mess… and it tasted horrible :mad:

finally made it to philipppines…

take lots of pics for wifey will ya? Maybe that will ease her wanting to go over.“see honey here is what it looks like now go take that $10K we saved and go buy more purses or something”:smiley:

ok show her this one


<- waiting for crazy stories :slight_smile:

im gonna make a journal thread soon with pix… ill post the link here, should be some stuf up soon :slight_smile:


i called him a little while ago…

he is bringing me home some sweet presents!!!


i bet its aids

looks gorgeous there…have fun:tup:


I suppose that could hurt if it got whipped at your head. :gotme:

EDIT: Or you could get stabbed by the umbrella…




wtf? greatest reply ever? out of nowhere!

im jealous :2fingers:

have fun man. Must be the experience of a lifetime :headbang:

inside the mall of asia