Off to Asia i go again

Goin to the philippines next wed for a month… i have memorial day weekend over there so i might use that longer weekend and go on a side trip to hong kong, or cambodia or vietnam… ive been to thailand already before so i def wanna go somewhere new… i think i might use NYspeed as my forum of choice for a journal, with new pics and stories everyday, i think thatd be cool, i had a 13 page thread last time i went on another forum… but this time im goin with 2 cameras and im hoping to rent a mini DV camera as well… i would love to able to upload video clips… in the philippines i know some guys there with 997s and more…and also going to try and take some non touristy trips, like through ajungle or somethin, i duno, just somethin different, other than that i will be workin full time, overnite shifts from 10pm to 7am…

No poll about sexual positions or encounters? I thought all international travel threads included one? WTF?


but the last journal was pretty awesome lol

hooray for im’s in the AM when i am going to work and you are getting ready to go out…

or vice versa

skunk is sad cuz jayS said “pole” and not “poll”


Wrap twice, and don’t fingerbang them.


i dont plan on any of that, i really wanna see places that not many americans have ever seen

sik 5?

reunion tour


ughhh YES heres my hotel

Wifey wants to go to Thailand this fall.Not really up for a loooooooong plane ride then in a foreign country where I’ll stick out like a sore thumb and not know their language.


Wifey wants to go to Thailand this fall.Not really up for a loooooooong plane ride then in a foreign country where I’ll stick out like a sore thumb and not know their language.



I wouldnt be cought dead at a place like that…

no offense or anything…

what are u doing there for the month? work-wise

yea training in a call center for my work…

thailand - the english isnt that good there, but seein what i saw is totally worth it… buddhist temples, muay thai fights, the markets, etc


skunk is sad cuz jayS said “pole” and not “poll”


DOH… fixed. In all seriousness though, looking forward to some cool pictures from you trip.


yea training in a call center for my work…

thailand - the english isnt that good there, but seein what i saw is totally worth it… buddhist temples, muay thai fights, the markets, etc


crazy guys with guns…

and BILLIARDS!!@#$@#$@

and stockbalance with no pants on

:tup: have fun. i liked the pics last time.


muay thai fights,


am i the only one that always reads that as “mai tai” whenever someone mentions it?
then i think, how tough could bitchdrink fighting be, seriously


yea training in a call center for my work…

thailand - the english isnt that good there, but seein what i saw is totally worth it… buddhist temples, muay thai fights, the markets, etc


So you’re training people so they can make relatively horrible wages?

Gee wiz! I sure can’t wait for the pictures.