Ever been to thailand?

Anyone ever been? I just booked my flights. (I’m not going to say when since this is the internet and you’re all a bunch of creepers.)

We’re thinking probably fly into Bangkok, spend the night, then gtfo. Hop a flight north to Chiang Mai and wander around, then south to Phuket and do the same.

Gotta love a country where 4 star hotels are less than $50/night and decent places are $10-15/night. :awdrifter:

drug mule?

I probably would not feel safe in that part of the world. I am going to limit my travels to europe and english speaking nations.

Wait, you’re bringing your wife to Thailand? What the hell are you going to do there then? That’s like bringing your golf clubs to a football game. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prostitution_in_Thailand

a few friends of mine went to thailand for months to teach english. they liked it a lot

And sister-in-law.

Me too

I hope you get a good price for them.

Your loss. It’s a big beautiful world out there…

Naw you go to thailand to buy women cheaply. You go to Eastern europe to sell them at a good price. :tup: Haven’t you ever seen Taken?

Fry I never would have guessed you were into child prostitution.

CDCB Female Arbitrage?

Your right…
They are probably more than 12y/o anyway.






been there, idk about the wife idea though.I liked patty beach, just hope that the navy isnt in town when u are there…

PM me your trip information, just incase i have to get a team togather. It is not only women they are after… nice pretty white guy like yourself would make a nice toy for some oil prince.


Looks like a decent half hour massage is $10 bucks and another $5 bucks to have them shine your shifter. :tup: