Going to India.

Has anyone been to India?

My wife and I are going in December for a friend’s wedding and to do some sight seeing. We are flying into Bombay and travelling a couple hours east to Pune for the wedding. Then, back to Bombay for the reception 2 day later. After that, we will have a few days to look around.

Anyone have experiences to share? Oh, yeah. Did I mention we will be in Bombay for New Year’s Eve? Should be a good time - at least interesting. :smiley:

bring me back some curry!

Haha. Alright. I hear, with the exchange rate, things like gold and leather are real cheap. My buddy has a leather jacket that cost about $30 US there. And you can get a good meal for about 80 cents.

thats awesome

Is it safe to eat it? I think I would check to see where it’s safe to drink the water.

Just thought of something I did before a few of my trips over seas. 2 weeks before I left for the trip I started taking Pepto chewable tablets twice a day. During the trip I kept up with the same routine. The two trips that I did this, i did not get sick. The one trip I did not do this, i got pretty sick and made the trip miserable.

So i would advise you to give it a try. I have heard alot of other people doing this same method as well. It just gives you a head start for the new food and drink you will be enjoying.

Good idea about the Pepto. I have been told to take some bottled water. The people I know that live there boil water first.

We went to Costa Rica in July. So, just had vaccinations for polio, tetanus, etc. Shouldn’t need any more shots for this trip. Also, chloroquine is recommended to prevent malaria since we’ll be in a rain forest area.

The wife read yesterday that Brangelina is in Pune right now shooting a movie. She is disappointed that we will be there too late for that. :doh:

Don’t forget - don’t eat salads or stuff that is washed in non-boiled water.

You should try to find the Dell, Gateway, etc. tech support center. :slight_smile:

don’t go to the bathroom

and one of apples.

Sounds like fun, i would love to look at the prices of jewelry over there. Shopping for an engagement ring ftl.

Told this to the wife. She said her friend got sick in Belgium exactly for this reason - eating a salad. We might be close to these call centers. Any messages to deliver in person? :finger:

Only 9 days. Can probably hold it…

Not sure about the diamonds but the bands are cheap, I hear. I bought one of those rings last year. If you go to the Clark Building, skip all the other shops and go right to Frost and Co.

bring me back teh gold jay!

Maybe I can find something for Mister 2 in honor of Vishnu - the Hindu god of rebuilding.


Like you actually had to do the shopping, I showed you what I like.

I’ve been there. Just get ready to see more people packed into small areas than you have ever seen before. Also it always seems like theres a thick smell in the air, it’s not nearly as clean as it is in the states, and there are beggars everywhere. Make sure you don’t give any money to the beggars, because they will start swarming and asking for more. Bring bottled water with you wherever you go, because it gets really hot and humid. Besides that i think theres nothing to worry too much about…it’s a really cool place to visit every once in a while. Your wife will love the shopping over there…everything is ridiculously cheap and its all hand crafted, and the food is incredible. have a good time.

Thanks for the advice! My friends say that the bus rides are crazy. Completely packed and people hanging off of the outsides. We hope to take a train ride somewhere.

The most terrible thing, one guy said, is the mob run begging industry in Mumbai. They take orphans and cut a hand off or poke an eye out. So, you feel bad and give them money. But then the mob just takes the money from them.

Have you been to Mumbai or some other parts of India? I think we will be staying in that area. Everyone says to see the Taj Majal and a city called Jaipur (nicknamed the pink city) but those are closer to Dehli.